My name is Jesse. I've been making images of dolls since 1997 when I did my MA in Photographic Studies. I used to make self portraits but I realised one day that I could explore the things I wanted to do much better if I used dolls, puppets, mannequins, figures and toys. All my life I've played some kind of instrument. I started with an old egg slicer when I was about 6 years old. My favourite music is electroacoustic. I live with and make noise with dustfactoryI'd like to meet other people who combine image making with sound as well as people whose sounds I just like. I like to network with people who make challenging imagery of all kinds. I'm interested in finding people who make sounds which are either ambient, experimental, tuneless, or anything which challenges me. People sometimes send me messages asking me what gender I am. To anyone who's curious: I'm female.