Beneath the Dying Moon profile picture

Beneath the Dying Moon

Beneath the Dying Moon -- BtDM

About Me

Beneath the Dying Moon (BtDM) is a black/doom metal project based near Newcastle, Australia. Named 'Cursed' and 'Empery of Thorns' in it's earliest incarnations, the first seeds were planted around 1990-91.
When Empery of Thorns ceased to exist, three members started under the new banner 'Beneath the Dying Moon' and recorded a very raw demo entitled 'Befallen Spirits Of Fire'. The demo was well received and various interviews were conducted within the underground 'zines of that time. Shortly afterwards Demicon and Shaun were offered to join 'Lord Kaos' in Sydney, so Belegur decided to continue with BtDM as a solo project.
Some new material was made available for d/load on in 95-96, which can now be found here on this profile. Constant emails over the past ten years have thus resulted.
Belegur then had a lengthy hiatus from BtDM while he worked on other projects, including 'Dominion Of Ruin' and 'Haar' while also furthering his career. During the past few years Belegur has been busy acquiring recording equipment and instruments to re-new BtDM and other projects.
Finally, March 2006 marks the revival of Beneath the Dying Moon. 2006 also marks the return of Demicon to BtDM, thus two founding members re-unite. The line-up works as follows: Belegur (guitars, bass, drums, keys, lyrics, vocals), Demicon (vocals, logo & artworks), Duamutef (vocals). Work has begun on recording both new and old material for a release during the first half of 2007.
An official website is currently under construction at
Also, you may like to sample 'Requiem Of The Damned' which features Demicon (guitars, lyrics, logo & artwork), Belegur (Type 1 - drums, keys) and three other members.
90's deathmetal fans may also enjoy a Dominion Of Ruin mp3 which can be found at
Anyone wishing to contact Beneath the Dying Moon may do so via MSN or email using the following address: [email protected]

My Interests


Member Since: 3/24/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Belegur - guitars, bass, drums, keys, vocals, lyrics

Demicon - vocals, logo & artwork

Duamutef - vocals
Influences: For better, or for worse... everything we hear, see, taste, smell, touch and dream can influence us. Whether we like, or dislike these experiences helps us choose which path to follow...
Sounds Like: Please listen and leave a comment.
Record Label: Darkforce Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

The recovery... / Disappearing requests

Greetings...A quick post to let everyone know I have recovered from my injury, and will again renew efforts towards a release in the future. I sincerely hope to have something new on here in the comin...
Posted by Beneath the Dying Moon on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 05:32:00 PST

The ongoing saga / Deleted "Friends"

Greetings...It's been a while since any kind of 'update' has been posted here. Progress is still being made on recording 'Through the gate none shall pass...', although things have been slowed a littl...
Posted by Beneath the Dying Moon on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 04:57:00 PST

Darkforce Records Mailing List -- Sign-up Now!!!

Greetings all...While work is continuing on the BtDM album, we are also making some progress towards the launch of the website. To help keep everyone up to date with what is g...
Posted by Beneath the Dying Moon on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 07:46:00 PST

...the path none shall tread.

Greetings...Just a quick post to let you all know that small progress is now being made daily towards the album release. Tonight I have started working on re-recording '...the path none shall tread' a...
Posted by Beneath the Dying Moon on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 04:59:00 PST

Through the gate none shall pass...

Greetings all...It is time to gather thoughts and plant seeds, and sweep aside shattered dreams. We reach the dawn of another wretched year, while the previous left us nothing but memories and dust. T...
Posted by Beneath the Dying Moon on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 05:57:00 PST

New MP3 Available For Streaming

Greetings...If you have not noticed already, there is a preview version of Befallen Spirits Of Fire available on the site now. This file is an un-mixed and un-mastered version of what will appear on t...
Posted by Beneath the Dying Moon on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 11:33:00 PST

Recording Finally Begins!!!

Greetings Patient Ones...I have finally begun the recording process for the BtDM album 'Through the gate none shall pass...' this evening. Starting by laying down the guide tracks for 'Befallen Spirit...
Posted by Beneath the Dying Moon on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 07:54:00 PST

Equipment Finalized - Recording To Begin Late September

Finally all the right toys have been assembled for the recording process to begin proper. There is a list of gear below that will be used for the BtDM album, some of which was used for the Requiem Of ...
Posted by Beneath the Dying Moon on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 06:11:00 PST

Official Website Under Construction @

Greetings all... An official website for BtDM is currently under construction at www.darkforcerecords.comThere's nothing exciting uploaded yet, just a logo for Darkforce Records. Be sure to check bac...
Posted by Beneath the Dying Moon on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 05:47:00 PST

New MSN And Email Address For BtDM

The new address for MSN and email is [email protected]
Posted by Beneath the Dying Moon on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 06:23:00 PST