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High consumption of energy drinks is associated with "toxic jock" behavior, a constellation of risky and aggressive behaviors including unprotected sex, substance abuse and violence.
They said the 10-month-old pet had a history of bizarre behaviour - it had attempted to suffocate the family's pet goat on numerous occasions.
Police have said he arrived at the airport carrying a Dora the Explorer doll, hoop earrings and a jar of petroleum jelly.
A recent tip from Martha Stewart included on the website: "On a mild day, let in the fresh air. Open windows to rid the house of stale winter air and indoor pollutants."
Mental Note:
1: Iraq
2: Nigeria
3: Haiti
4: Colombia/Mexico
5: Ecuador
6: Venezuela
7: Philippines
Bonobos share 98 percent of their DNA with humans -- they also apparently share a love of decaf caramel machiatos.
A Sunday school teacher asked, "Johnny, do you think Noah did a lot of fishing when he was on the Ark?"
"No," replied David. "How could he, with just two worms?"
However, researchers concluded that the premise for such a device was fatally flawed because "people in many areas of the world do not find faecal odour offensive, since they smell it on a regular basis".
The scam was uncovered when Japanese moviestar Maiko Kawamaki went on a talk-show and wondered why her new pet would not bark or eat dog food.She was crestfallen when told it was a sheep.One couple said they became suspicious when they took their "dog" to have its claws trimmed and were told it had hooves.
Seven monks were injured in clashes between rival orders over control of a rebel monastery.
"From what I saw, most of it has been looted or burned. There are overturned cars and lots of broken windows. People were throwing rocks, coconuts and steel bars."
weapons manufacturer BAE Systems launched a range of "environmentally friendly" munitions as part of its corporate responsibility initiative with these immortal words: "Lead used in ammunition can harm the environment and pose a risk to people."
Donors were often college students who traded their sperm for beer money.
The State Department also listed the murder last year of Kazakh opposition politician Altynbek Sarsenbaiuly, his bodyguard and driver as "unlawful deprivation of life".
The results proved that a single electron could escape during a half-wave of the infrared laser, fleeing in less than 400 attoseconds – an unimaginably short time. If you slowed down time so that an attosecond lasted for 1 second, that second would last for 30 billion years – more than twice the age of the universe.
Sam Harris, in his new short book, Letter to a Christian Nation, hits the bull's-eye as usual:
"It is, therefore, not an exaggeration to say that if the city of New York were suddenly replaced by a ball of fire, some significant percentage of the American population would see a silver-lining in the subsequent mushroom cloud, as it would suggest to them that the best thing that is ever going to happen was about to happen: the return of Christ... Imagine the consequences if any significant component of the U.S. government actually believed that the world was about to end and that its ending would be glorious. The fact that nearly half of the American population apparently believes this, purely on the basis of religious dogma, should be considered a moral and intellectual emergency."
A Sunday school teacher said to her children, " We have been learning how powerful kings and queens were in Bible times. But, there is a higher power. Can anybody tell me what it is?" One child blurted out, "Aces!"
In a bizarre twist, the RSPCA this week suggested residents try wiping haemorrhoid cream on the toads - to have an anaesthetising effect - then putting them into the freezer.
After the man's body was recovered and taken to a local funeral home, jumping at the festival resumed, said Fayette County Sheriff Bill Laird...
Armed dolphins, trained by the US military to shoot terrorists and pinpoint spies underwater, may be missing in the Gulf of Mexico.
There are also glow-inthedark pigs and goats which produce spider's silk.
Polygamy was standard and men considered women placed on earth to please them. Thracians considered death an honor and accepted it as a natural part of life. The Thracians were extremely proud people. If a man's father was murdered, it was considered practical to slaughter the murderer, his family (extended), and his livestock. Also, upon the death of a husband, the wives would fight over who was loved more by the deceased. Usually determined by the winner of a match to the death. The wives would tie their left legs together and fight with strips of cowhide and a staff. The winner of this deathmatch would then commit suicide and be given the honor of being buried at the right hand of her husband.
While generally friendly, he is sometimes prone to sudden fits of bitter contempt for random things
There are 431,558 Joneses in Britain and it is the second most common surname in the kingdom after Smith.Blaenau Ffestiniog, in north-west Wales, is the town with the highest proportion of Joneses in Britain.Jones is the most common Welsh surname and means son of John.
If you ever find yourself being arrested make sure it is in Finland as inmates get daily spa & sauna services as well as many other positive detention practices. Try to avoid the usual suspects: Russia, Turkey, Romania...
"If this is not so, our current understanding of how structure forms is just not correct," says Oleg Gnedin of The Ohio State University in Columbus.
Police say something bad was bound to happen when a butcher knife, the movie "Halloween" and a group of drinking men came together at a Rogers motel room.
Marshall McLuhan's description of television as a "cool" medium—as opposed to the "hot" medium of print—was hard for me to understand when I read it 40 years ago, because the source of "heat" in his metaphor is the mental work required in the alchemy of reading. But McLuhan was almost alone in recognizing that the passivity associated with watching television is at the expense of activity in parts of the brain associated with abstract thought, logic, and the reasoning process. Any new dominant communications medium leads to a new information ecology in society that inevitably changes the way ideas, feelings, wealth, power and influence are distributed and the way collective decisions are made.
The number of people in the developed world who have limbs or digits amputated is around 390million.
It is known that during the first century an as could only purchase a pound of bread or a litre of cheap wine (or according to Pompeiian graffiti, a cheap prostitute).
"A man holds a woman by the hand and dances with her in front of everyone. Does that serve the national interest? Dr Zahar
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