finch & lily profile picture

finch & lily

random acts of kindness

About Me

the gift
The story of Finch & Lily found me. With all that is fearsome about the world, Finch & Lily touched that place in me that wanted to give instead of take, smile instead of frown, and above all things to love others through random acts of kindness.
Please follow me as I join hands with an amazing array of people, talented and generous individuals that have come together to present a film that strives to inspire the better part of our nature.
In a place that is both magical and genuine, welcome to the world of Finch & Lily.
R. O'Donnell
the story
Appearing out of nowhere, a mysterious 40-year-old Albert Finch takes up residence at a rundown transient hotel. There he befriends agoraphobic Lily Crumb and an array of characters that benefit in odd and miraculous ways from his simply "being there". But Finch has a secret that will alter their lives forever, bringing a little bit of heaven to the residents of the Star Brite hotel.
the setting
Finch & Lily takes place in an ominous surreal city with Depression Era style clothing, cars, and buildings circa 1930s. Finch & Lily live and work in a dark, yet beautifully Gothic world: black, white, and gray with tiny hints of lavender.
the links
click pics for regular costume, set, and storyboard updates.
Pre-production Fall 2008
Starbrite Flicks, LLC

My Interests

movies that inspire




being there
harold & maude
king of hearts
wings of desire
la Cité des enfants perdus
le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie
dark city


st. joan
Bath Kol

My Blog

The Production Team

R. O'Donnell (producer/writer/director) R. O'Donnell began in the entertainment industry as a professional ventriloquist. He ran away with the Sells & Gray 3 ring circus at the tender age of 14. In hi...
Posted by finch & lily on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 08:39:00 PST

Megan Cavanagh Joins Cast of Finch & Lily

Megan Cavanagh (Sister McGee)Cavanagh launched her film career as Marla in Penny Marshall's A League of Their Own. She was seen in Dracula: Dead and Loving It from director Mel Brooks in a scene writt...
Posted by finch & lily on Sat, 01 Apr 2006 07:32:00 PST