All movies and reviews of same; Any genre and style; DVD releases of theatrical and independent cinema, as well as foreign language cinema.
1. Film/Video/Music Video Makers and other content providers who (a) produce interesting entertainment and (b) want the publicity that broadcasting from a central provider can bring.
2. People who love unique programming. Film lovers everywhere; especially those who like to emphasize the truth about what they see on screen.
3. Actors, filmmakers - independent or studio - those who see that Moviesight could be a great marketing tool for them. And of course, movie and cinema fans of all stripes!
Movies of any type and descritption: horror movies; comedy movies; romance movies; musical movies; thrillers, science fiction movies; melodramas; mockumentaries; dramas; fantasy movies; historical dramas; foreign language movies including Japanese, Chinese, French, German, African, Russian and more. Bollywood movies, too! You name it, Moviesight wants to see it or hear about it!
Once again, pretty well everything.