FEATURE - George Gittoes
"I need access, access and more access until I am so close I've joined the family. Not an observer with a camera, but someone as concerned and wound up in events as the close nit circle." George Gittoes
This attitude has made Gittoes' documentaries on the streets of Baghdad and Miami's Sub Brown captivating and astonishing. The mixture of a brave journalist and creative film maker delivers the truths about society, politics and the endeavors of real people.
"A shocking expose of Americas backyard... raw and real." - Empire, 4 Stars
RAMPAGE by George Gittoes
Following his film about music and war in Iraq, Soundtrack to War, Producer/Director George Gittoes slices into the underbelly of the Giant Land of the Free.Having explored the important role of music in the war on Iraq Gittoes shows how it also offers a different kind of dream, about getting out of the Ghetto.We are taken to a Ghetto in Miami – Brown Sub where the focus was the 3 brothers, the soldier, the poet and the young rising star and the chance to get out their music gave.
MUSIC - Paper View
Paper View's melodic ballads invite you to connect. Sweet acoustic sounds, wide cinematic landscae, intimate harmonies and artful textures - ready to listen and download at Si-Mi.
Si-Mi News - New Look
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