IFILM Animation and Short Films Playlists
Special on Spike: The Comic Collective
Editor's Picks: ANIMATION
Editor's Picks: SHORTS
IFILM's Animation and Short Films Channels - a web community for lovers of Film, Animation, Cartoons, Motion Graphic Design and Special Effects. You can upload the works that inspire you , or works you create yourself and would like to expose to others. You can watch the ever-growing collection of videos we feature daily, and share your opinions, make comments, save your favourite videos in your profile's playlist, share the videos with your friends via e-mail, and blog it here on Myspace.
If you'd like to have YOUR VIDEO FEATURED on the channel's front page, please upload the video and e-mail Monika. Please include "REVIEW REQUEST" in Subject line as well as the video's ID number, Title, Synopsis and a web place you'd like the video to be linked to.