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The idea to launch 500 GODZ came to us back in the summer of 2007. It was clear from the beginning that we wanted to emphasize on rather thought provoking motives. For years we had been collecting Ts like crazy, once we find a T that we like we can’t stop wearing it, we keep them even if the artwork has faded, but only few Ts make it into our hall of fame, only those motives that stand out… so we set out to start a T-shirt label with the objective to deliver exactly these sort of unique Ts that we had been hunting down for years, and in order to assure that each T is an unique piece of art we decided to put a limit to each edition. Now the key issue is production: The cut of the shirt but also the material. After several long brainstorming sessions in the neighbourhood pubs we came to the conclusion that we had to go the “organic way”. How can you artistically challenge anything if you don’t take advantage of alternative ways of production? The first choice was organic cotton, which we knew was an option, but was that enough? Is a T truly organic if the cotton is but if it has been dyed and printed conventionally meaning with heavy usage of chemicals? We came to the conclusion that it wasn’t enough and began to research on sustainable methods of dying and printing, we really left no stone unturned in order to present a completely sustainable T. But in the end we made it and after 10 month of preparation we are finally online with a very unique sustainable product…
You can always argue that certain aspects of our Ts are not 100% organic, the SIZE tag or the MADE IN tag, we are aware of this and we are on the case to find a solution, but for now we are celebrating cause over here Spring and Summer are already around the corner and we know which Ts we are going to wear this time…, we like to thank all of the great artists who are supporting this Label: AME72, WOW, El Bocho and all the others who’s art will soon be presented on one of our Ts…

Patrick & Daniel peace…….

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