9/11 was a coup d'État carried out by a criminal network embedded within the United States government with the intention of fomenting support for World War IV (aka the "War On Terror" and/or World War III if you don't count the Cold War and the proxy wars associated with it).
Prison Planet
Info Wars
CLICK HERE TO IMPEACH BUSH!!"There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution." Aldous Huxley - 1961If you watch the videos below, make sure you hit the pause button on the lower left hand corner first so the video can buffer. Notice the little gray bar growing across the bottom, that's the video buffering. If you don't then the video will constantly stop. I'm posting this because supposed IT expert Jeff D. couldn't even figure this out, so I'm assuming most people viewing it don't know either... .. .. ..
A system of government that excercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership together with belligerent nationalism......
Sound familiar?Since I was 11 years old I've always been an information junkie. Watching the news nightly, reading the local news paper "St. Louis Post Dispatch, and reading "Time" Magazine was the way I stayed caught up on things. I can remember being glued to my television set as bombs rained on Baghdad in Operation Desert storm through the grainy lense of a CNN camera equipped with Night Vision. I've always found other cultures and people of different ethnicities intriguing and I guess that's why I've found myself so captivated by world affairs. In the same breath, I'm also completely fascinated and proud of my American hertiage. The principles on which this country was founded, while not always adhered to, are sought after by many others and undeniable by anyone with a healthy mind. Our government was "For the people, by the people". As I look around today, however, I find this to be a far cry from that slogan. Congressman that whore themselves out to corporations at the expense of the environment, and, in turn, the citizens that the goverment is supposed to sevre. How is this for the people, by the people when we elect an official that does nothing but what is in his best interest. How is the government helping anyone except the prison system, by locking up non-violent citizens(who by the way are disproportionately black compared to the population) for drug offenses? Who benefits from the War on Drugs? It hasn't worked and still isn't. Only until the people rise up and protest in numbers does that Senator/Congressman change his stance. Why? Voter base. Nothing more than that.. Where is the glory in that? Why not do something that you know is right that makes you feel good? These people have no honor and our failing the people of this country miserably
I know some people know that they can't make a difference and that's furthest thing from the truth. You have a voice use it. I've voted in almost every election, local and national, since I turned 18. I'll write more later
"It is always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." - Hermann Goering, Nazi PartyAbout Me....
what's up?, my name's Denny... I'm somewhere between a green and Libertarian I'm also a member of the missouri chapter of NORML ...
i can be very sarcastic at times and piss people off but it's all in good fun! i am very BLUNT and to the point, i see no reason in not being true to how you really feel, i get that ish off my chest... im an apathetic agnostic, in that, i don't believe in god and quite frankly i don't care... that's not to say i don't have morals! i talk a lot, but i am a GREAT listener, try me! I love baseball Cardinals rock!
i like to indulge in the recreational use of certain substances, workin out, I read a lot, whether it be political, geo-political, or historic... I don't really care for fiction, human history is interesting enough. I'm always educating myself constantly(you can never have enough knowledge)anything that has to do with the outdoors which is the biggest reason for me wanting to move west(that and the ethnic diversity).
I definitely like sex, LOVE the porn... i don't watch much TV, but when i do it's always the Daily Show, Colbert Report, history channel, discovery channel,Deadwood, and tons of documentaries...
Fascism, the growing gap between the filthy rich and the growing lower middle class and much worse the poor, the destruction of the environment inequality, abuse of power, gentrification, apathy amognst the masses to all of this, because they're caught up in pop culture, consumerism, and brainwashed by talking heads on TV, uneducated voters(i asked 2 of my friends, after saying they were voting for Bush, what policies he has enacted while in office that makes him a good president, neither had any idea, but, they said, he's funny!) the socially irresponsible, failing 20 years in the making WAR ON DRUGS, which imprisons nonviolent citizens to mandatory minimums ruins their lives only to feed the money hungry prison system and law enforcement agencies from property seizures... the far leaning religious right currently in power, this adminisration is probably the worst in history... others imposing their views and beliefs on you
I respect everyones views and beliefs (excepts racists, fascists, and communists) just as long as you can talk about it like an adult and not talk over and not listen like you see so much of on corporate "news".