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9/11 = Inside Job

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Top 10 Reasons 9/11 is an Inside Job.
10) Why did NORAD stand down?
9) Why did did people right before the towers come down say they heard explosions?
8) Why was there smoke at ground level and there wasn't any fire?
7) How can 3 steel structure buildings fall in 1 day due to fire and in no other in history before and after 9/11 did that happen?
6) Why does WTC 7 not look like it was burning really bad that day
5) Why do firemen state that there were bombs in the building 7 and to clear out?
4) Why was a radio transmission from the 78th floor saying that they only needed 2 hoses to knock out sporadic fires?
3) Why did we have orders to invade Afghanistan on 9/10/01?
2) Why did Larry Silverstein state on a documentary "The safest thing to do is 'Pull It'?
1) Why aren't more people asking these questions and getting answers that we should be getting?
If you would like a real view on how things happened on 9/11/01, Head over to the Studyof911 's main site and forum and you can find unbaised infomation there that will either way or not sway your opinion on the events of 9/11 and before/after.
Now get off your asses and start asking questions.

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Check out this video: NEW 9/11 Pentagon Video released from hotel

Posted by on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 18:33:00 GMT