Arawak City IMC is an independent media outlet working in central Ohio. We're people from various organizations working to gather information on important issues in Arawak City.
We wanna make our site different than other Indymedia sites so we can cover things important to our community. Our website has a radio station in the works and many other opportunities for additional projects.
We want ppl with ideas, ppl with technical knowledge, and ppl with show ideas for streaming internet radio. Everything as far as radio shows are concerned can be dropped off at 1000 East Main.
Send us ideas or events you feel are important to building community. We'll post them in our blog and as bulletins.
Life should be lived and not watched, and we believe those fleeting moments of resistance should be extended. Through news coverage, through skill-shares, through fun.
Arawak City is what we call our community. Once, government officials named our city after a brutal and blood-thirsty man who slayed native peoples on his journey through pre-America. This left the people of Columbus, Ohio and their diverse cultures ill-spoken for.
Christopher Columbus was actually a rogue privateer named Christopher Colom who attempted the assassination of the king of his homeland before fleeing to Spanish Aragon.
The Arawak/Taino were some of the first to see the wrath of this despicable man and his crew; even when offering gifts of food. In the memory of their good nature, we declare Columbus, Ohio to be Arawak City.