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The Gadfly Cafe


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Young Actors, Musicians, Poets, Comedians, Goof Balls, Dorks, and Freeeeky People!

Call 614-352-3929 for information & reservations.


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gad·fly (g dfl )

    A persistent irritating critic; a nuisance. One that acts as a provocative stimulus; a goad. Any of various flies, especially of the family Tabanidae, that bite or annoy livestock and other animals.
"Gadfly" is a term for people who upset the status quo by posing upsetting or novel questions, or attempt to stimulate innovation by proving an irritant.The term "gadfly" was used by Plato to describe Socrates' relationship of uncomfortable goad to the Athenian politician scene, which he compared to a slow and dimwitted horse. It was used earlier by the prophet Jeremiah in chapter 46 of his book. The term has been used to describe many politicians and social commentators.During his defense when on trial for his life, Socrates, according to Plato's writings, pointed out that dissent, like the tiny (relative to the size of a horse) gadfly, was easy to swat, but the cost to society of silencing individuals who were irritating could be very high. "If you kill a man like me, you will injure yourselves more than you will injure me," because his role was that of a gadfly, "to sting people and whip them into a fury, all in the service of truth."
Everyone should read this.
Article in April's Psychology Today
Check out the article in
The Other Paper
click here
I thought that it was a little condescending, but it's good publicity anyway.
OK,Now we are totally totally famous.
Read this article in
Click Here
Then come to The Gadfly Cafe
1126 1/2 N High St in The Short North
Look for the FLY!
and get a free copy of


I try to photograph all of the musical guests. Butt I suck. I'll eventually honor all of our musical guests by immortalizing them with my bad photography. Here is a small sample.

Chase and Joe never hold still at the same time.
These were the best shots that I could get.

I had trouble getting close enough to "My Favorite Lines" to get a good shot because the women in the crowd surrounded them like a pack of wolves.

Some one who is actually good at photography should come to our shows. Please Help!

My Blog


I heard about an underground newspaper at CAHS ( Columbus Alternative High School ) back in April, but couldn't get a hold of a copy until about 3 weeks ago. I read it cover to cover almost right...
Posted by The Gadfly Cafe on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 12:15:00 PST

Nick Ivanovich

Nick played solo at The Gadfly Cafe tonight and was totally awesome. Numerous fans (females) made me swear to post his links before I went to bed. an...
Posted by The Gadfly Cafe on Sat, 19 May 2007 09:00:00 PST