music, doraemon, yuyu hakusyo, burning lines, detective conan, victor basa, chocolates, french fries..
Bring back the late Kurt Cobain! I LOOOVEEE HIS MUSIC!! Victor Basa--the most hottest model ive ever seen! ;)
fRoM sAosiN, cHeMicAL rOmAnCe, oUr LadY pEacE, dReSsDeN dOLLs, tHe uSeD, wHeAtUs, kAmiKaZeE, e'hEaDs, tHe mEmBeRs, wEezEr, sALivA, riVeRmAyA, kEaNe, bLoC pArTy, aVriL LaViGnE, tYpEcAsT, ImAgO, kjWaN, pArOkYa ni eDgAr, bAmBoO, InCuBuS, cOLdpLAy, gOoD cHaRLoTtE, sUgAr rAy, cOLLeCtiVe sOuL, aLL-aMeRiCaN rEjEcTs, LaCuNa cOiL, bLiNk-182, niRvAnA, gReEnDaY, dAsHbOaRd cOnFeSsiOnAL, InTeRpOLe, sWiTcHfOoT, kiKo mAchiNe, sAosiN, mArRoN 5, aRkAnA, yELLowcArD, hOoBaStAnk, sToRy oF tHe yEaR, tRaiN, hOLe, tHe wHiTe sTriPeS, wALLfLoWeRs, pUpiLs, aUdiOsLaVe, gArBaGe, fOuNtAiN's oF wAyNe, bOx cAr rAcEr, sUm 41, fOo fiGhTeRs, rEd hOt cHiLi pEpPeRs, pHaNtOm pLaNeT & mO!!
kiLL biLL, LOTR, pAy cHeCk, dOraEmOn d mOviE, sPiDeRmAn, sAhArA, tRoY, gOtHicA, nAtiOnAL tReAsUrE, sTaR wArS, bRuCe aLmiGtHy, tHe wAr oF tHe wOrLdS, cOnStAnTiNe, LoSt iN tRaNsLaTiOn, tHe pErFeCt sCoRe, rEsiDeNt eViL, sErEnDiPiTy, wHiTe cHiCk, wiCkEr pArK, cELLuLaR, cOnF. oF tHe tEeNaGe dRaMa qUeEn, nOt aNoThEr tEeN mOviE, fAnTaStiC 4, cLuELeSs, hALf LiFe, jUsT mY LuCk, mEeT d pArEnTs, mEet d fOcKeRs, mR. nD mRs. sMiTh..
Music Television, Doraemon, Ghost Fighter, Detective Conan..
I love them but I think they didn't like me that much. Hell those fucking books!
the Pope, Kurt Cobain, Adriana Lima, Yusuke Urameshi, Victor Basa, Lee Dong Wook, Chiz Escudero.