My Last Goodbye (Join the MLG Street Team!) profile picture

My Last Goodbye (Join the MLG Street Team!)

Sleepless nights and tear soaked eyes, they made up one year of my life. And longing for the sight o

About Me

Lovers and heart breakers, break ups and new love. Name is Benjamin "Ender" Young, pleased to meet you. I'm a 19 year old Singer/Songwriter who was born in Virginia Beach and was captivated by Dashboard Confessional's, "The Swiss Army Romance" when I heard it on a cassette tape in the seventh grade. Every word that Chris Carrabba sang, every note he played consumed me and he placed everything I was feeling into words, making sense of it all.
I would then spend hours trying to write the perfect lyrics and melodies to fit a story I wanted to tell, stories that most likely wouldn't be heard by anyone except for whom it was about...until now.
Seven years later many more stories were written, new experiences experienced, and a love like none other. I bring to you My Last Goodbye, the soundtrack of your winter, spring, summer, and fall in hopes that you will embrace my songs as I have. That they (the songs) will help you through the good and the bad times and maybe even help make sense of some of life's toughest situations.
Without all of you, this wouldn't be possible and you're as much a part of this as I am. I hope that you will continue with me on this journey of bringing music that will make one feel better when things aren't so good or help express a joy when the right words are hard to find. Even if years pass and my songs are buried beneath the masses, the truth of the lyrics will never die. I thank you all for everything,
Love Ben
Read my Interview with Audio Fuze right here!! Just click the banner below then on "Interviews" then "My Last Goodbye" on the page!!!!
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My Interests


Member Since: 11/1/2007
Band Members: Ben Young- Guitar/Vocals
E-mail: [email protected]
Screen Name: notsademokid0906
"DEAR ANONYMOUS" Demo- please go to youtube and comment and rate :)

"hey you i just read the lyrics to what i assume is a new song. it looks like it's going to be amazing, as all of your songs are. and it just made me want to tell you how much i and i assume all of your ans appreciate ur music. thinking about some of the lyrics makes me wanna up an cry, but i love what you write. it's my feel better music. because ive been there ive felt what uve felt and ur music helps me get over it. we both know, when it comes to relationships, im messed up :] but ur stuff helps me out makes me a little more chill and im glad i gave you a chance and added you just so you know if you EVER ever ever ever stop writing, i'll kill you dead. i dont care if no one believes in you or u stop believing in urself, i believe in you. and i wanna hear your music. i wanna feel better and like i said, my last goodbye is my feel better music so dont ever give up i love yah benny :] " -Kara
"Hey here is Ben
May I introduce him to you?
He is just a boy who tries to live his life through
With his adorable sounds
With his beautiful songs
He will guide you to a place
Where the beauty or the cruel
Of human love belongs
And every string of his guitar
Is played straight from his lovely heart
So spread the word
So give it a try
And listen to my last goodbye"
Oh man! I am like still in shock by your music. I like to read the lyrics as I listen to the song and I was like "Omg this guy is singing about my life" lol. I write songs about the same things as you. I feel like I am hearing my music but with different words. Which is awesome because I cant play guitar or piano I just write to music that plays in my head. Its so awesome to like hear someone and feel like they know exacaly what you are going thru. Also that you are so honest in your music and I think that thats the key to being successful in this bussiness. You my friend are going places with your music,I hope someday I can do amazing things with my lyrics like you do. Your awesome!
Much Love,
"What do you call someone
With a voice like an angel
And the skills of a rockstar
The words of his songs inspire
The melody of his songs comfort
How I love to listen to his music
But again
What shall we call thee
Mark? Chris? Tony?
NO! We shall call him Ben!
Ben has gift
A gift we all want
To sing so sweet.
If you don't know Ben
You should
If you do know Ben
Thank goodness"
"i love the song november brings.
the guitar is amazing and i love how its an acoustic sound.
the lyrics are definitely award worthy.
personally I think all your songs are well played and written.
but november brings sticks out the most to me.
and since my boyfriend broke up with me two days ago,
i was very hurt and am still hurting.
i miss him so much and i worry about him constantly.
but this song helps me through this hard time.
so i thank you for that.
hopefully i can come to your upcoming show.
God bless!"
"Ben is one sexy man
and a great musician
and songwriter
and role model
did i mention song writer?
and singer too
he is just amazing
and his music will definitely
speak to you"
"Hello ben :] My names ashley, you can call me ashyy. I looked at your pictures then I read your about me, and then i listened to your music. Your voice, there is something about it, but im not sure how to explain it, it feels like im so relaxed when a song of yours comes on. when i go to one of your pictures, and have a song playing at the same time, its like i can actually see you singing your music. its something that ive never seen before, and im not sure why its with you. your smile in your pictures, it lights my spirit up, and then hearing your lyrics, ive been through a lot, but when i was listening to "our last goodbye" it hit me, straight in the heart. a feeling, and im not too sure what it was, i havent felt it before and if i have, i dont remember. but thank you, this add, was different than any other one i have ever gotten, thank you. it was truely amazing."
"When i got your request to be my friend i went to view your profile and the first song that played was "there is always time for change." you see i have been going through a lot lately with a relationship and just many other things. i just want to say that i heared that song and it made me think that there is hope for change. that song sent goosebumps through my body along with many other feelings. anyways im just saying thanks for showing me this song and that there is still hope yet for better times."
thanks again.
"I had to tell you that the song our last goodbye made me shed a
tear.Because i lost my mother to cancer about nine months ago.
So thank you for writeing such an amazing powerful!"
From Toni your number 1 new zealand fan! :-)
Why hello there!
I'd have to say that your music is very beautiful. It's relaxing and serene, and I don't believe I could compare it to anything that exists. Listening to it is an experience, and that's what music is supposed to be about. Thank you for making it, and keep making it, because I love it."
"hey, i really appreciate the add thanks. its unreal how you can listen to songs and the lyrics can realte to your life, as yours have done for me, actually listening to some made me tear up a bit, you have put some beautiful words together, and i really love what youve done, i love music so thankyou for letting me listen to yours, i really like it!
-love el xo.
Hey Ben thanks for the add! I'm pretty impressed with your music, your choice of doing it acoustic was good, it gives your music a fresh sound. the Lyrics are very descriptive and well written keep it up and soon you'll have quite a professional follow up. You have a talent i'd definitely pursue." =)
"I love that you're so honest....thats a quality not found often in newer upcoming musicians. Its also a quality that you share with Chris Carraba, who to me is one of the only honest musicians I've spoken to that not only speaks to his audience, but he means every word. I see that in you. Your interview was awesome. Keep being you, that will always be the most important aspect of your future!"
" your musikk is amazingly awsm it totally summed up my thoughts and feelings of how i felt and feel about a certain someone. all i know is that lil about me section you wrote is sweet and meanigful. i honestly think you are the next chris carrabba -Alondra
Influences: All my friends and all the bands I listen to and will listen to...
Sounds Like: Dashboard Confessional, The Spill Canvas, Secondhand Serenade, Ronnie Day, The Scene Aesthetic, Goo Goo Dolls,...etc...but Idk, you tell me
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None