Things People Don't Really Know About Me :)I love my father very much
I am someone who's strange and full of contrast
I can be downright moody-- very happy one moment and then be very quiet the next, thinking about the thing I just did, said or the thing that just happened.
I can be very obsessive-compulsive--giving so much attention to minute details.
I love doing little things for people I love-- giving little notes when they least expect it or just a simple hug.
I hate it when people take advantage of my being nice.
I tend to be so quiet/shy in front of people I am not really close with but can become the most "kulit" and the most talkative person when I am with my closest truest best friends.
I am so sensitive--I get hurt easily by what other people say.
If I don't really like someone I'd rather not talk to you.
I oftentimes think that people don't really like me--insecurities (Got lots of them)!!!!
I sleep a lot.
I love staying in my room and just stare at the ceiling or walls--and then realizations about things just pop out (it just feels great!).
I enjoy being alone (being my retarded/autistic self--haha).
I get annoyed easily.
I get jealous easily.
I always try to listen to both sides of the story and not just making conclusions right away-- it's always better to give the benefit of the doubt to someone.
I have a BORING LIFE!!!
My social life is uuhhhhmmmmmm???? The question is, do I have one?
I am a very secretive person.
I am not the confrontational type of person. I'd rather not talk about it especially if I know that things arent still going well.
I can be possessive of my friends--I don't really know if "possessive" is the right term--I guess I am just scared to lose people who are important to me.
I ask questions a lot, I try to delve deeper and figure things out and survey the situation.
I always want to know why, where and any other possible detail I can possibly know about things