Big Daddy Sizz! profile picture

Big Daddy Sizz!

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

People claim "Music is my life!" but for most folks this is just an expression. I have been perfoming in bands for over 13 years, most recently as the singer for MALAKAI ( and ERASED ( I was a guitar player in The Color Insane ( The Dub Project ( I also played drums in the mighty KATTY PANTS AND THE JUMPSUIT BRIGADE. I've been in more bands than I can count. Currently, I play guitar in the metal juggernaut known as SEVEN YEAR COMA! I work as an audio engineer for an awesome production company called Soda Jerk Presents. I see literally thousands of bands each year, and YES, I CAN GET YOU ON THE GUEST LIST! I also book metal shows for The Blacksheep(Check my top friends.) So if you need a show,and your band is heavy, hit me up... WILL ARNETT-HUMAN GIANT SEX TAPE on ..

My Interests

I love spending time with my 5 year old daughter. I am mafia-tight with my family. Big fan of the Broncos, Nuggets, and Yankees. I love to cook, travel, and see movies. Cocktails are delicious, and so is Gumbo. I love my job, and try to help out bands as much as I can. I'm a loyal friend who is usually down for anything.

I'd like to meet:

I used to have a clever little quote here, but really I just want to meet girls who aren't nutjobs, dudes who aren't douchebags, and bands that don't suck. Pretty simple, I think.


As of Summer 2007, this is what I'm listening to: NEUROSIS, Gojira, Celtic Frost, Acid Bath, Soilent Green, Old Sepultura, Cephalic Carnage, Slayer, Crowbar, TODAY IS THE DAY, Rwake, Kylesa, Despised Icon, Ankla, Hatebreed, Machine Head, Icepick, Iron Maiden, The Sword, Unsane, Goatwhore, Daath, Planes Mistaken For Stars, Gorgoroth, Gaza, Fu Manchu. I've been on a Metal only kick for a while now. Not really listening to anything else.


Anything funny, scary, or pervy. Preferably all three in the same flick. Some of my favorite movies are The Shining, Halloween, Original Star Wars Trilogy, Clerks 1 & 2, Half Baked, Shawshank Redemption, Full Metal Jacket, Office Space, Grandma's Boy, Night Of The Living Dead, Borat, Sin City, The Outsiders, Baseketball...


South Park, Ali G, Entourage, Adult Swim, Forensic Files, Behind The Music, The Flavor of Love/I Love New York (It Rules, you know it!) Sportcenter, Family Guy, Road Rules/Real World Challenge, The White Rapper Show, Best Week Ever. Give me VH1, Comedy Central, Discovery Channel, Cartoon Network, and ESPN and I'm pretty happy. I'm also good with the clicker or "EMOKE" as we call it in my world.


The last great book I read was "The Dirt." I've been working on "Ring of Fire-The Johnny Cash Reader" for awhile now.


Elvis, Johnny Cash, John Elway, My folks, Mike Patton, Rick Rubin, Derek Jeter, Dimebag.