Director Raidenjames profile picture

Director Raidenjames

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

My film The occurrence is in post production. Here is some photos from the shoot. There will more photos from the shoot very soon. So far this has been the best crew I have worked with, and it will show in the film. I very happy with how everything went on the shoot. I will be once it is done have it on here for all to see and watch. Stay tuned.

My Interests

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Faerie of Creativity-- You are the Faerie of creativity. You are unique, talented, and an individual. As an artist you create things from your mind. Whether you write, draw, sing, or play music you are creating art that will last through the ages, forever preserving your name and making you the closest to immortal any human can ever be. Beautiful, quiet, and mystical you are an enigma to others who simply cannot figure you out. You live for mystery and the unknown and are perfectly happy spending long amounts of time alone working on your masterpiece. Different from others, sometimes you think that you don't fit in or that you are better or worse than others somehow.
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My Blog

movie shoot.

I have just started working on a new film as the DP. The movie is called Desperate in Dixie. It is being Directed by Shannon Kinnard. The shoot so far is going good, and has been a fun shoot. The Movi...
Posted by Director Raidenjames on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 08:35:00 PST

Dark Infestation The movie!

DARK INFESTATION Release Date: Summer 2007Studio: Flickering Candle ProductionsDirector: George DemickScreenwriter: Teri Jacobs, George DemickStarring: Jonell Mosser, Brian Canada, Barbara Rucker, Pat...
Posted by Director Raidenjames on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 07:35:00 PST

Dark Infestation

Greetings to you all! Now I know I wrote I would be putting updates on the movie Dark Infestation, well late is better then none. We are about to wrap on a fun shoot that has come togather with some g...
Posted by Director Raidenjames on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 06:59:00 PST

Movie Project

I have just been hired as a AD on the movie Dark Infestation, I will be adding up dates on this film each week. Its beening done by Flickering Candle Productions. James
Posted by Director Raidenjames on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 05:49:00 PST

Horror Movie!

Well yours trully was an extra in a movie. Yes thats right, I am working both sides of the camera! I was at the shoot for the movie THE DEEPENING Starring Gunnar Hansen, Jim O'Rear, Debbie Rochon, Te...
Posted by Director Raidenjames on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 11:52:00 PST


Yes I have done it!! I am graduating from college with my degree!! THis sat the 13th I will walk down and get my degree. I can't wait yes!!!...
Posted by Director Raidenjames on Tue, 09 May 2006 06:52:00 PST

Hello all my great friends here on myspace!!

Well last night I had a screening of my film and it went real good, had some good responces to it. Still working on some of it, have to get some pick up shots, and then get it to the composer to do th...
Posted by Director Raidenjames on Sun, 30 Apr 2006 09:29:00 PST