Laughing at the folly of humanity, reading, intellectually-gifted people, hanging out w/ friends, beer......
PAROKYA NI EDGAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOTR trilogy, The Matrix trilogy, Snatch, Saving Private Ryan, Fight Club, Battle Royale, In the Realm of the Senses, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Kung Pao, Shutter, Saw
Max X, Celebrity Deathmatch, Engcantadia(?), Discovery Channel specials on "Squirrels: Nature's Little Speedbumps" and "Rabbits:Furry-Fast-Fuckers", 24, Bubble Gang, Lost
The Dark Tower Series, The Green Mile, The Stand, The Brothers Kamarazov, The Third Policeman, The Prince, Watership Down, Fight Club, The Turn of The Screw, A Wrinkle in Time, Rainbow Six, Foucalt's Pendulum, An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge (short story), Survivor Type (short story), The World According to Garp, Forest Gump, Cities in Flight, Catcher in the Rye, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Lord of the Rings epic, The Illiad, Where are you, God?...It's me, Margaret, Deathlands Series...(*Yoda voice* reading much obviously I do not)
Pedro basura-man, who lives in a garbage can...