lala profile picture


ski. skin. skinny.

About Me

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%D%A%D%A%D%AI may be sensitive but I am strong. I may be serious at times but I love to laugh. may procrastinate but I know how to get things done.I may be a spender but I know how to be practical.I don't critique a person's individuality by assuming without reasonable facts. Yes, I still believe in letting things fall into place, for what we all call fate and destiny.i AM a proud woman. may appear to be brutally honest, but I expect likewise.I can be your best friend or your worst adversary, to my friends and family I'm someone they can count on, when no else is there..i know exactly where i stand,im MORE MATURE now (i think)..if i decided to do smthing, i have 2 b sure its goin 2 work,im not much of a RISK a hyper-active type of person but sometimes,the more active i am, the more in-active i could be. Some may find me MEAN or un-approachable because of the way i act, the way i speak and kind of friends that i have...Yes, I am MEAN. So, don't fuck with my friends & expect nothing to happen. i'm the younger version of Charlotte York. Just like her,i have a refreshingly optimistic outlook on love and romance,well-bred,walks through life with a perfect sense of decorum. And a lot of idealism.I don't give up easily.Just like her,i havn't become embittered about love or life.I reflect the way i dressed up through my lifestyle and feminine charm.I'm classic and my chick style is timeless..i like deep and meaningful conversations..if i want something,im really up for it.i set my priorities straight. .It's really hard to gain my trust. I swear you'll stop trying! I'm still a youth livin in a serenity lookin for the meaning of life,while at the same time, enjoyin it..I've found what i like to do for now, BUT that could change later on.. Everday, I still feel like I'm discovering a lot of things about myself. In the meantime, I'm happy for what & where I am...%D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

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%D%AIm growing hence I am liable to change. With precocity and constancy, I question things and open my mind and my heart to answers different from what Ive known, been taught or incorporated with. I dont possess the luxury of absolute certainty and I'm okay with that. I respect people but I refuse to merely conform to insipid traditions and values that only veer me away from the passionate love I hold for life, spirituality and nature. I am not an ideal but simply the most recent embodiment of my ideals. Ive worn almost every shade of cynical enough to discern my personal preferences and live by them. I am happy. Everyday, Im given reasons to be grateful. %D%Ai live my life with reluctance to conformity, but what is uniqueness if you give it away as means to please other people? i am my own, and i say this because i live on my own terms, and know that things boil up into what they are because of my own doing. and yes, maybe there is such a thing called fate, but it should't stop you from living, or making plans, or setting out a purpose for yourself. i i love adventures. and spontaniety. and fun in the general sense. john lennon can be quoted : "life is what happens when you're busy making plans". restrictions and borders are but imaginary. Hinduism proclaims for man to transcend his own ego - the only limitation that there is in this lifetime. i believe this. i am open minded, and find most delightful flowing conversations that range from the mundane to the profound. however, i vehemently abhor bad english especially when people try so unnecessarily hard to speak it. i don't think i'm perfect and omniscient, okay. infact, i don't know a lot of things and i borderline failed a few of my subjects. i myself have questions, and i say that's not bad, for in seeking answers, that's where you grow. for everything else that can't be solved. i like looking into other people's emotions, and sharing their lives. i'm a person of sentiments, and i value everything thrivingly. i'm passionate, and losing my passion means turnng to another. i love love love life. all these things digested into three words - "i'm a hippie". there you go. i'm OUT%D%A%D%A
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%D%A%D? little bit of ta ta...%D%A

%D%A i puff. -- burp. i need a stick! %D%A
%D%A i do rant. curse a lot. trashtalk. pfft%D%A
%D%A dont want to get caught? play innocent. lala does it. %D%A

%D%A deep thoughts. the sign says, "dont bother. reality check:negative. figurin' out something unfigurable". duh%D%A%D%A
%D%A backstabs. period.%D%A
%D%A no-no to homos with attitude problems. go home. get yourself a dose of sleep. glares plus the mockery. pointing fingers. raised eyebrows. you hate me: admit it. *matter-of-fact look*%D%A

%D%A just when you hate emoticons, and i'm giving you tons! haha. %D%A%D%A

My Blog

kIsSin"..kIsSiN'..rEad dIs..uL b aMazEd..

Here are tips and advice on how to be a great kisser so your kisses are unforgettable! Whether you've never had your first kiss or have kissed and been kissed a million times before, you'll find out: ...
Posted by lala on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

iNcrEaseD sEx aPpeaL dAw fOe gUys

Recently, I read that 90 percent of men are happy with their appearance. Good for you, guys: You've got great self-esteem. However, I have a feeling this might be the reason for all those white socks ...
Posted by lala on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

HOW TO ATTRACT MEN--written by a man

This is not about snaring that "special man." It's about attracting men in general. If you attract a lot of men then you should find that special guy somewhere among them. Attracting men is not hard. ...
Posted by lala on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Going crazy figuring out how to deal with the male species? Play your cards right with some tips from not-so-average Joes. IS IT OK IF A GIRL ASKS YOU OUT OR CALLS OR TEXTS FIRST? Yes, that would be g...
Posted by lala on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Where to flirtPartiesFlirting is most socially acceptable at parties, celebrations and social occasions/functions. At some such events (e.g. Christmas/New Year parties) a degree of flirtatious behavio...
Posted by lala on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Message: Narinig nyo na ba itong mga katagang ito o once ba sinabisa inyo ito?> > 1. "I just realized that I don't want to > > be touched." > > > > --> ha? kalalake mong tao...
Posted by lala on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


FOR THE GALS: See i dont, know why, i liked you so much I gave you all, of my trust I told you, i loved you, now thats all down the drain Ya put me through pain, i wanna let u know that i feel Fuck wh...
Posted by lala on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


"Etiquette" is one of those words that conjures up a variety of associations, many of them negative. To abide by a certain etiquette or protocol is to imply conformity to a set of rules, which most pe...
Posted by lala on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

bElLy dAnCin'..hiP wOrkiNg!

Get ready to move those hips! Bellydancing is the latest way to shape up and have fun. The booty-shaking dance originated in Egypt and Turkey, but it recently came to mainstream America. This summer, ...
Posted by lala on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

kisSiNg tiPs

1. Do not attempt a kiss if you can taste anything other than minty freshness 2. Do not engulf your partner's face with your open mouth. Here's a good rule of thumb - if you can see your partner's ea...
Posted by lala on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST