kisha profile picture



About Me

I AM ME.. i am what i am. unless we learn to accept that inevitable fact about ourselves, we will never be happy. people can either hate us or love us, just as words can either make or break.. but whatever happens, love yourself. love the people around you. be kind. there's always enough love and kindness to go around! be happy always and stay true.. we can only live this life once, better give it your best shot! Ü *if you can concentrate always on the present, you'll be a happy man. you'll see that there is life in the desert, there are stars in the heavens. life will be a party for you, a grand festival, coz life is the moment we're living right now..ü*

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

i want to meet more people who share the same passion to make others happy. Friends who would bring solid grounding to my life, especially when my water-sign emotions get stormy. Someone who will calm my inner seas, and point out the practical solutions right in front of me. Someone who will be contented with what we have together. I also love people who can carry looooooong and interesting conversations over cups of coffee or couple of booze...effortless wit and humor...In short...people who can share a LAUGH Trip with me... :-)

