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I wanted to make a difference! Because being different is NOT wanting to be SPECIAL than others... b

About Me

"One minute you're the belle of the ball; the next, you just want to get home and crawl into bed with a good book. Either way, it's okay. You need to do what you want and not pretend that you're feeling different." Although I want spontaneity in my life, I know that it would still be good for me to set a few goals each day, to at least have as a guide but not as rules. And I'll try to keep them as simple and attainable as possible. Eac day I need to remind myself how capable and smart I am. Coz if I won't...I know that I won't be able to handle things on my own. I will utilize my instinct for knowing when to step into the spotlight and when to step back. And I will also utilize my famous ability to be reasonable and flexible...which means I should make adjustments that has seemed somewhat difficult in the past. I believe that I am in a phase where I am more willing than ever to see things from a new and fresh perspective. Wish me luck.Let me tell you, dream and believe is my expression for a reason. I came from a very small town where their was no opportunity. My dreams were bigger than anyone around me could fathom. To live and to falter became more of a routine. Many times I fell, and many times I stood up. But these falls made me stronger as a person. I had the only one person believing in me that counts.....myself. In search for better opportunities, 7 years ago I decided that I was ready and I packed my bags, filled it with as much stuff as possible, and went to Tokyo. I lived there alone with my 2 dogs. Back in manila I graduated Architecture in UST, but I also took my Masters in Interior Designing and also Japanese language (speak, read and write Kanji, Katakana, and Hiragana) in TODAI UNIVERSITY at Tokyo. From then on I started working my way up. My family, poverty and my fear of becoming a failure motivated me to go the extra mile. I instead turned this fear to be my source of strength to be my best at all cost. Personally, FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION. I've been through a lot, as in a lot. More than you could ever imagine. It's not easy, but with enough drive and hard work everything is possible. I had side jobs like telemarketing and tons of dance gigs, not to mention the amount of jobs I had to support my dream from the ages of 12 and up. I even sold goods from the Philippines, even went from house to house to be able to support my living and my family's as well. While working in a restaurant I was then scouted for print modeling and the rest is history. Remember this --- If you dream big and really do believe, you'll do anything you have to. Listen to yourself, to your gut, and you will soar.At this point of my coming of age, I am so proud of myself for surpassing my tumultuous teen-age. Mid 20s is I guess one of the best part of my life. It's like being naive yet daring. I used to always think of how to cope up with people's expectations, comply with their own norms and values which most of the times differ with mine and yet I did everything to "FIT" in, and apparently, people feasted and took advantage of my innocence and my purpose to be recognized by them. It in some way brought me to the brink of failure but nevertheless I eventually realized that this is my life and I should take all of the consequences of my own unbecoming, and the thing is I just have to be myself. I also had my fair share of personal inhibitions and before I make a move I always weighed and worried of what would peep think of my action, afraid to fail in whatever endeavor I choose to be into. But now I became bolder with my moves as long as I know that it won't hurt anybody else. I became more aware of my social consciousness. Now my failures in the past thought me how to handle things in a more mature perspective. I also realized I don't have to fit in, but I just have to co-exist. I learned how not to think of what people would think of me because it did not give me positive results, and thenceforth my life changed for the better. Because of this, I was able to do things I always wanted to do in life. I felt lighter and bubblier. No pressures. No hassles. Now I careless about people and their expectations. I'm more carefree. I did what it takes to make myself fall in love with my own reflection. Whether if it’s donning a new hairstyle, or working out to get the bod I want, or scoring fantastic fashion finds, I did everything in my power to make myself look physically fab. Feeling good about how you look will do wonders to your self-esteem. I learned the art of embracing and celebrating my flaws, and I became more comfortable in my skin and eventually exuded confidence. I was able to make people around me feel my presence as I also feel and respect their own presence. I realized that in this world no one is ever right. I don't need to be right. I just want to be understood. And I guess that goes to other people too. Feel free to flaunt what you have because this is who you are, and if you do so -- you'll feel comfy coz you don't have to pretend to be somebody else.(DISCLAIMER) Just for the record, I always accept invitations from people to be their friend. I never reject or deny because I myself experienced several rejections from people in all aspects of life. I very well know the feeling of rejection. Now once you've become my friend I never delete. But not even ONCE did I send an invitation to people to be their friend because I don't want people to expect something from me. So it's no biggie for me if you delete me after you added me as a friend only bcoz I did not have enough time to attend to your messages. By all means, you have every right to do that, bcoz as I've said it was you who added me in the first place. And besides who said Myspace is a Ms.Popularity Contest? Chill out, have fun! No need to be serious about the "CYBER STREET!" I'm not here to please anybody else. I'm juz here to be me. I can't live up with pretending someone I'm not. You know what?... everything has been said to me, but I aint affected! Expect more from a person who has lived a life in the klieg lights of whatever industry I chose to be into. At one point in my life I became ferocious to dealing with haters, but now that I became more mature, I realized that these people have their own stresses and one means of letting their stress out is to take on other people. Now if in some way taking your stress out on me will make me help you relieve your stresses, well I'd be glad to be of help. But let me remind you that even by doing this to me, you will never ever tarnish my total personality. Never in my glorious days will you haters again take what I have become of. As they say, "Once is enough, twice is too much!". I may have failed before but I will never fail again. Assume it as my "SWEET REVENGE!", ok? Honestly, I have nothing against with people who meet in the "NET" and eventually end in each other's arms. I guess there is nothing wrong with it as long as you love each other. Distance, absence, differences does not test the kind of LOVE two people have for each other, but they rather support a better foundation for that LOVE. But personally I'd prefer the traditional "getting-to-know-each-other" way of meeting your significant other. If we met and be mutually intrigued and spark the fire well I guess it will be more challenging to know what happens next. As a "FRIEND" once told me -- "Let's face it. Unless you have MET people from on MySpace, anyone can be anyone if you know what I mean. I don't care how gorgeous or successful someone is here. It is PURE fantasy until you meet them." .... WOW! I share the same feeling with him. Personally Myspace is not a lifestyle, it's more of a hobby.

My Interests

(My 10 Commandments)1. You can't argue with success. (Results count. Be a success.) 2. Live and let live. (Be tolerant.) 3. Time flies when you're having fun. (Have lots of fun.) 4. Shop till you drop. (Enjoy the fruits of your success.) 5. Just do it. (Action is the key to success.) 6. No pain, no gain. (Get tough.) 7. Enough is enough. (Stand up for your rights.) 8. Time is money. (Don't waste time.) 9. Rules are made to be broken. (Think for yourself.) 10. God help those who help themselves. (Work hard.)(RANDOMS)I feel sexiest in my pajamas.I have the passion to unravel what's TICK & TOCK.I am a speed-driver!!!... but is an ACROPHOBIC!My greatest achievement in life was living alone abroad.I excel in Mathematics but Science is my waterloo.I believe that everybody is beautiful in their own right.I always look at a man's watch."Sex and the City" is one of my doctrines.MY biggest frustration in life is SINGING!I find that it is cute in men whenever they tell a silly joke after they farted to get away with it.I was actually DUMPED by a guy bcoz of being "CHUBBY"...LOLzDue to a 6-years modeling life, I personally learned the ART of make-up.I believe that patience is a virtue.I'd go for boxers than trunks.My middle name is NARCISSUS... hahaha! (oh my, who isn't?)I am definitely WILD in my own right.Caviar or Foie Gras? - Foie Gras!My most embarrassing moment in life is calling my date with my ex's name. (aaaw!)I believe I am good with inter-acting with people from all walks of life.SNOWBOARDING is one of my passions.I have an innate ability to come up with oxymoronic labels. People might find it stupid, but it's like... Live a life ok?A certified shoppaholic! Bags, shoes, clothes, etc... I mean, the works.I am fascinated with learning and doin' anything under the sun.Cooking is one of my LOVE POTIONSI am a product of continuous Muay Thai, Pilates, and yoga.I don't wish, I just make it happen which gives spontaneity to my life.I find it very masculine in a man who has mature diversions when he's stressed out, which mean he won't take it on me.I was born in June 18, 1981. A Gemini.My New Year's resolution is to refrain from impulsive buying.I am a Catholic but I have nothing against living-in together before marriage, specially in the Philippines who doesn't imply DIVORCE.I'd rather be hated for who I am than to be loved for who I'm not!My Jimmy Choos & Blahniks are insured... (ha!ha!yeah right!)Yes, I smoke (menthol lights) and drink occasionally.I love eatin' sweets (cakes, ice cream, chocolates...etc.)I never send invites to peep here in MYSPACE, but I add and never delete, ok?... So it's no biggie for me if you delete me coz ur rightful to do that.I'm a denim addict.I may have Japanese ethnicity, but unfortunately sushi & WASABI are no-nos.I'm so into Astrology and Greek Mythology.I am artistically inclined.I always crave for CARBONARA with bacon blocks.Although I am pessimist, I still weigh things and particularly look at smallest details.I break rules.I love challenges. It gives me the equilibrium to move on.I have a "TATTOO" on the left portion of my belly (stil is planning to have 1-2 more) and also a belly-button pierce.True intelligence isn't about knowing everything -- it's about knowing that you don't know everything! Luckily, my ego is healthy enough to absorb and apply it daily!Lately... I'm so into BIKES.This may really sound weird but true!... I used to work in a multinational bank, mortgage department. Hahaha --- it's so odd, right?I literally go nuts with DONUTS!I am fetish with hairy but not skinny legs.I love shopping alone.Can't live without sodas!(QUOTABLE QUOTES)Some things are best to be just once.Fiction is obliged to stick with possibilities. Truth isn't.I can't give you a sure-fire formula for success, but I can give you a formula for failure: try to please everybody all the time.Being different is not wanting to be special from others, but wanting to be yourself.I have a higher and grander standard of principle than George Washington. He could not lie, I can. But I won't. - Mark TwainThere is nothing as stupid as fighting over religion.By experience we learn to grow. By growing we learn to give. And by giving we let others experience life.Sometimes our obsession with beauty always lead us to the wrong path.Successful people focus most on the things they enjoy.Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous. - ConfuciusLaughter is the best medicine.Wisdom comes with age.Good girls don't get ahead, but gutsy girls do.We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.To have choice without having to choose ... that's optionality!The absence of flaw in beauty is itself a flaw.Be inspired and pass it on.Where there is love, there is life.Action is eloquence. - ShakespeareBe great in act, as you have been in thought. - ShakespeareNever pretend to a love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.Life is like a game, but it is not based by winning or losing, but how you played the game.Nothing is permanent in this world except changes.The best proof of love is trust.Success is not in what you have, but who you are.I have two Shih Tzus, Kiki & Lala. I love animals. And if I could be a snitch, (I'm not), I would become an animal cop (like on the animal planet) and tell on all ya'll fuckers that hurt animals. I'm overly dramatic. I think I'm GOOD as a friend. I like to make people laugh till they die of laughing (heehee). And I'm one of those people that if I've known you long enough you become my family. I wish I could sing but I cant. I appreciate the beauty of other people coz for me everybody is beautiful in their own right. Someday when I own a big ass house my theme will be ZEN meets CONTEMPORARY. When I'm old and rich I'm living in MALDIVES ISLANDS or something. I'd go gay for ADRIANNA LIMA. I always thought and believed that whoever I meet in any other way. To all the people I encountered at some point of my life had a great impact on me, whether it be good or bad. Coz I truly believe that EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON.

I'd like to meet:

I'm here looking for new friends, old friends. People whom I can mutually share emotions, thoughts, ideas, and KNOWLEDGE that could make me better as a person! I'm not perfect...BUT WHO IS??? PERFECTION sucks... coz it would juz make LIFE so boring!!! And hey guess what? If u wanna know me for REAL, guess chances are so scarce coz I know for a fact that LOTS of people here are not for REAL themselves. Though I've spoken to a FEW and I know they are indeed for REAL and in return they already KNEW me transparently. And for that I wanna thank them for being REAL. All I wanna say is - " LIVE a LIFE... get REAL!!! " Aint here to PLEASE anybody. 'm here juz to be ME. I wanna meet people who would accept me for who I am and not for the kind of person they want me to be. WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET... NO MORE NO LESS... TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT!!!... Got it?View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


-r&b- -jazz- -soul- -hip-hop- -house- -acoustic- -TRANCE- -ballads- -reggae-


BOURNE (IDENTITY,SUPREMACY,ULTIMATUM) serendipity my best friend's wedding CHICAGO Philadelphia DIE HARD sequels nothing hill there's something about mary walk in the clouds the Cinderella man Moulin Rouge Ice Castle ghost Notebook the LAKEHOUSE in her shoes the DREAMGIRLS sleepless in Seattle American Pie (sequels)


HEROES sex and the city japanese & korean tv dramas quiz shows discovery channel fashion TV ET weekends any reality show one tree hill american idol the 70's show america's next top model alias the apprentise C.S.I. prison break SUPERNATURALS bones nip tuck


fashion mags interior designing mags health & lifestyle mags Novels of Nicholas Sparks


God.(FAMILY) I got MAD LOVE for my big ass family! My mom is like my best friend, she is so sweet, caring and giving as a mother. And my dad is like a mentor to me, very well-reserved but funny specially when he's drunk coz he is just an occasional drinker.! I love them both. I can go to them for anything. They have supported me in everything I set out to do and helped me in everything I need to reach my goals. I love them for raising me to be the woman I am today. They are the very reason for keeping this huge family intact. I have an elder sister, Adelaide(36), who now lives in Chicago ( oooh, miss her so much! ) except for my elder sis the rest of my whole family lives here in Manila. I have a younger bro, Giomar(22), married at the age of 19, married young but I believe he can give his own family the best of both worlds. I also have a li'l sister, Cassey(15), who is so bratty and naughty since I kinda spoil her ( my parents often get mad on me in spoiling her ) since I see my younger days in her, she's very much like me when I was young too heehee. I also have a sister-in-law, Reggie, who is so pretty, so smart and so loving to my li'l bro and their daughter MYKA who is soooo cute like me. THIS IS MY FAMILY. I am so proud to have them as my family. They are my inspiration in my life. They serve as one of my motivations to go the extra mile. I am so much grateful to the Lord that He gave & blessed me a family rich with love, respect and understanding.(FRIENDS) I have grown up with 5 girl friends. ANGELA, JULIA, AIRA, YUKI, and PINKY. I have been through these girls since high school up until now. From starvation and poverty (hahaha... remember those days girls? LOLz ) to sharing everything of what we earned from our first salaries. From nothing to everything. From the many crushes and heartbreaks to many assholes that we encountered. Through tough times in our lives to the happiest times in our lives. From losing and winning all sorts of beauty contests. From simplicity to stardom. From clubbing, bar hopping to just merely staying in one house and enjoy each other's company. Through fights with each other and misunderstandings to drunken crazy nights. Through road trips and hardships. We've definitely been through it all. We were so young then and suddenly here we are so mature to handle almost everything regarding life and all that matters as a person. These days it has been so hard to keep in touch, now that we're older and doin' our own things in our own lives. But in the end I know that these girls will be throughout my adult life. We still have a lot of events to go through together in the future and I know that I can count on these girls for anything!!!I also wanna thank Michelle and Cherry, who I just met lately. They have been very supportive, loyal, loving, and caring as a TRUE friend. Their like a twin sister to me, when I was a child I always wished for a twin and then they came and suddenly I had not just one but two, LOLz. ( mwaaaaah!!! ). I just wished we met earlier for us to enjoy ourselves more than we are enjoying it right now! But at least we in some way met and I know that there are still lots of time to enjoy each other's company as well. I also wanna thank my GUY friends.... Cris of UK, John, Budz, Rico, Justine, Vonnel and THE Mykee ( my pleasure to be your friend! ). You guys have also supported me to everything in this ever difficult life! You guys have been there for me through thick and thin, in rich and in poor, in better or in worse..... hahaha ( LOLz ), what a big SIGH coz we all know for a fact that you guys won't even have the slightest interest in me and vice versa ( hahaha.... LOLz ) You guys will never ever be my husbands..... hahaha!!! And also to my li'l protegee..... Ms. Jaya, thank you also for being a very good person to me! Hope that you will have all the best things in life.... good luck! And also to my colleagues at work, in the agency and the fashion industry, and people here in MYSPACE for always listening to almost anything I wanted to share, my thoughts, my feelings, my ideas and my advices too. To CARMI DAVID my mentor and my other elder sister!!! Thank you too for always bein' there! For me you are and will always be the perfect ephitomy of GRACE and BEAUTY. And to you too Ate Cris of Fukuoka, Japan thank you too in my own little way!

My Blog

funny & flattering...... me and ma posers

http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewpro file&friendid=69574743&MyToken=14fc46aa-9668-4347-a0 1d-34f86dc5d39a hahaha aint she soooooooo FUNNY?i mean she made ...
Posted by aBbYGAiL OhTAh on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 04:05:00 PST

a lil MORE of me...

Born 18th of june 1981 a gemini basically I always view both of the positive and the negative side of any matter. blood type is A, so therefore i am kinda perfectionist but i am open to failures since...
Posted by aBbYGAiL OhTAh on Wed, 26 Oct 2005 04:52:00 PST

more & more pics of ME & ma dogs

Posted by aBbYGAiL OhTAh on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


....... juz chillin w/ ma frends at d RESTO...... inside ma haus...... cooking for frends..... frends..... ...
Posted by aBbYGAiL OhTAh on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they are meant to be there...to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help you figure out who you are or who you want to b...
Posted by aBbYGAiL OhTAh on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I have grown up with girl friends, ANGELA.....JULIA.....AIRA.....YUKI.....& PINKY !!! i have been thru these girls since high school up until now...... from starvation and poverty ( hahaha... remember...
Posted by aBbYGAiL OhTAh on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST