MySpace Layouts
.....I want a guy who always check me up whether i'm happy or not, who always say "I LOVE YOU"..even if things get wrong, who calls me beautiful instead of sexy, who calls me back when i hang-up on him, who will stay awake just to watch me sleep, who kisses my cheeks instead of lips, who wants to show me off to the world when im in my sweats and not only when i look good, who holds my hand infront of his friends the one who is constantly reminding me of how much he CARES about me and how LUCKY he is to have me, instead of asking how much you care about him, he doesn't mind what others's say about his girl, instead he's PROUD OF HOW HE LOVES HIS GIRL,and the one who turns to his friends and say...THAT'S HER!!!!SHE'S MY EVERYTHING!!!!:)
Jesse McCartney - Beautiful Soul
.. Music Code provided by Song2Play.Com
..tHe paRent tRap..mEaN girLs..fReakY fRidaY ..cOnfeSsiOns oF a tEenaGe dRaMa qUeEn..HerBie..juSt mY lUcK..LegaLLy bLonDe (1-2)..MaiD in ManhatTan..bRinG iT oN (again)..aQuaMaRinE..1sT daUgtheR..Ms. ConGeNiaLitY..tHe pRinCesS diaRiEs (1-2)..tHe pRincEsS bRide..A cinDereLLa sTorY..mY beStfRienD's weDdinG..maTeRiaLs GirLs..cOnfeSsiOnS oF sOroRiTy girLs..pReTtY wOmaN..A waLk tO remenbeR..wHiTe cHicKs..The TeRminaL..fiNaL deStinatiOn..Mr.& Mrs. sMiTh..tHe piNk paNthEr..13 gOinG on 30..hOw tO lOse a gUy in 10 days..ThE faMiLy maN..aMeRiCan piE..sPideR maN (1-3)..kiLL biLL...baD bOys (1-2)...lOrd oF thE rinGs...pEarL haRbOr...saVinG pRivaTE rYan...gLadiatOr...thE FasT and tHe FuRioUs...aNacOnda.(1-2)..rOttweiLeR..tHe aMiTTyViLLe..tHe viLLaGe..hOusE of waX..hOuse on haUnted hiLL...end oF daYs..CurRsed..aNd of the dEaD..sCarY moVie (1-4)..thE RinG..beLoW..veNom...tHe shUtTeR..uRban legenD..i knOw wHat yOu did laSt suMmeR..wiSh maSteR ..freDdiE vs JasOn..sEeD oF chUckiE..vaMpiRe baTs...