I aM nOt wHoever U thinK I aM. I'm coMplicated. HArd headed but has a very deLicate heaRt.
I aM nOt wHoever U thinK I aM. I'm coMplicated. HArd headed but has a very deLicate heaRt.
**plAying drUms, soUnd triPPiN, swiMMing, voLleybalL, smOkin', getTin' tipSyahihi!=) WATER, CoFFEe, gRanD MA,vodka, RED HORSE!!!!reMy maRtin, fuNdaDor, bLAck laBeL, teQuilLA, arK roYAl, caPri, wiNston &marLboro liGhts, dJ mIX, ghUDang gAraM, sHoppiNg, jUSt triPPiN'... sUrfing,fOOd triPPin', adVentuRes & most of all SLEEPING.......
hottiEs!!!!!!! juSt leave ur coMMents here instead of scrOlling all the way dOwn! aite!!!??? =) LOLZ!
rNB........ rap,hiP hOp..
i don't have enough time tO watch that often coZ im buSy w/ lots of stuffs..
dictionaRy,ghOst stoRy booKs..anythinG that is related in science.. hehe
¤mAh daD & maH bOO¤