ºbyAnxº profile picture


im a PUNK who loves PINK!

About Me

Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.comim rAiZza biAncA m. rAmOs...
4th yR studEnt
15 yrS oLd...
cAmErA aDDicT...
candy mAg LovER...
trEnd sEttEr...
~sOciAL cLimmErs
~fEELing cLosE
i'm prEtty mUch a dOwn tO eArth pErsOn. sOm1 u cAn riLy gEt aLong with. kikAy bUt nOt mAArtE.. pEOpLe hAv a Lot of miscOncEptiOns abOUt mE bUt ArE aLL prOvEn wrOng OncE U riLy gEt tO hAng Out with mE..AbsOluteLy Love shOpping! i'm aLsO a hOpeLess rOmantic and a sUcker fOr anything dAts abOUt LOVE... im a simpLe girL wid a Lot of big drEams.. a dreAmer and a strong bELiever.. i'm a loyal person to my friends, family and my "future" boyfriend. i love butterflies i like going to the beach and just taking in the ambience and peacefulness of everything. i hate people who are plastic and are dishonest. i'm someone you can rely on no matter what. once you've won me over i've got your back the whole way.. i'm also not a perosn that gives up easily but i have to admit i am a sensitive person.. so be careful of what you say to me. hehe.
LOOk, nOt 2 b A tOtAL bitch (wELL mAybE A LittLE) pLEasE dOn't rEqUEst tO bE my friend. If yOu rEALLy cArE, pLeAsE EmAiL mE. If yOu ArE fUnny Or intErEsting Or Even NORMAL, I'LL writE bAck tO u. SkEtchy mOthErfuckErs nid nOt apply. AgAin I'm sOrry, bUt if yOu cAn takE thE timE, U're nOt wOrth mine. I'm nOt intO cAsuAL sEx Or drUgs, sO X thOsE Off the List. I'd Like 2 rEvisE this tOO- If u'rE a dUde w/ ANY pictURes Of UrsELf shirtLess, w/ or w/o wEights.. NO! NO NO NO!!! WHERE ARE THE NORMAL PEOPLE!!!
YM~rb_h0tpink or byanx_07
fRiEndsTER~ [email protected]
multipLy~ http://byanxie.multiply.com

My Interests

tExting, sUrfing thE nEt, pLaying bAskEtbALL, fAshiOn, gimicks, fLip-fLops....

I'd like to meet:

LOOk, nOt 2 b A tOtAL bitch (wELL mAybE A LittLE) pLEasE dOn't rEqUEst tO bE my friend. If yOu rEALLy cArE, pLeAsE EmAiL mE. If yOu ArE fUnny Or intErEsting Or Even NORMAL, I'LL writE bAck tO u. SkEtchy mOthErfuckErs nid nOt apply. AgAin I'm sOrry, bUt if yOu cAn takE thE timE, U're nOt wOrth mine. I'm nOt intO cAsuAL sEx Or drUgs, sO X thOsE Off the List. I'd Like 2 rEvisE this tOO- If u'rE a dUde w/ ANY pictURes Of UrsELf shirtLess, w/ or w/o wEights.. NO! NO NO NO!!! WHERE ARE THE NORMAL PEOPLE!!!

hirs to the world
YM~rb_h0tpink or byanx_07
fRiEndsTER~ [email protected]
multipLy~ http://byanxie.multiply.com


r&b And aLtErnAtivE LikE kLsp, nEOn, LUnEs, mAtA, suntOk sA bUwAn, crAzy fOr yOU, jEEpnEy, LovE mOvEs in mistEriOus wAys, trUe, bigLaAn, bULOng, jOpAy, cAndyshOp, LovErs & friEnds, LEt mE LovE yOu, givE mE OnE mOrE chAncE, AkAp, iL nEvEr g0, sAmE gr0und, pr0m,bakit pa part 1 & 2,bUrn0ut,d day u sEd gudnyt,untitLed,kUng wLa, w.o u, stiCk w/u.....


mAdAmi LiKE mEan girLs, cOnfEssiOn Of A tEEnAgE drAmA qUEEn, first dAUghtEr, whitE chicks, incrEdibLEs, spOngEbOb thE mOviE, 13 g0ing on 30, pAychEck, meAt thE f0ckers....


cAndy mAg......fAvOrite!.....


my friEnds.... =)

My Blog

POSER!!! erR!!! she's such a b****!...

  please report her!! please! http://www.friendster.com/user.php?uid=34564782 i guess she is so ugly! that's y she post my pix in her friendster!! please report her thank you!......
Posted by ºbyAnxº on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 05:09:00 PST

pOEm fOR girLS

A poem for girls... I shave my legs, I sit down to pee. And I can justify any shopping spree. Don't go to a barber, but a beauty salon. I can get a massage without a hard-on. I can balance the checkbo...
Posted by ºbyAnxº on Sat, 04 Feb 2006 03:13:00 PST

i wAnt a gUY LikE diS

He'll give me his favorite sweatshirt.(especially after he put his cologne on it*)Hell stay home with me and watch Disney Movies.And the only person he would ever watch it with would be me.He'll call ...
Posted by ºbyAnxº on Fri, 03 Feb 2006 04:23:00 PST

13 wAys tO win mAh hEArt

13 ways to win a girls heart1. Hugs from behind.2. Grab her hand when you guys walk next to each other.3. When standing, wrap your arms around her.4. Cuddle with her.5. DONT FORCE HER TO DO ANYTHING.6...
Posted by ºbyAnxº on Sat, 01 Oct 2005 06:13:00 PST