Bean Dip profile picture

Bean Dip

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My friends say I'm the life of the party. You'll rarely find one without me there. Some Fritos and some Pabst, perhaps some Schlitz and I'm set! I never pass up the opportunity for a good raging party. So next time you bump into me at the local liquor store go ahead, toss me in your El Camino and bring me back to the trailor for the next shindig...


My Interests

I like cheese, chips of almost any sort but if your gonna get fancy hook me up with a frito! Ya know for weddings and what not.

I'd like to meet:

A chip with smooth edges that wont get all broken up when it's plunged into my beany goodness.


Pretty much any kind really. Country OR Western. Aint picky


Every which way but loose, Every which way you can, cannonball run, smokey and the bandit, I, II, and III. And pretty much anything with Hulk Hogan.


Hee Hah! (damn i miss that), WWE Smack down, Hogan Knows Best, Dukes of Hazard, NASCAR, never miss the CMA's, oh, and pimp my ride




Hulk Hogan, my friend Pabst, BOCEPHUS!, and can't forget DALE!