SOULBURNERSZespol Soulburners zaklada w roku 2005 wokalista General Burner (ex. Poker Face) ogromny milosnik rocka (majacy w swej kolekcji kilka tysiecy albumow rockowych) i gitarzysta Crazy Finger (Tony Clifton, Shifmind). Pierwszy powazny sklad dopelnia perkusta Rangar (Sunrise, Pressure Rising,Last Item,Afraid of That Day i inne) przyprowadzajac ze soba kolejnych doswiadczonych i utalentowanych muzykow – basiste Satanik Hellfukker-a (Coalition, 100 Inch Shadows i inne) oraz gitarzyste Don Arturro (Wrinkled Fred, Neolithic). W takim skladzie zespol komponuje pierwsze rock’n’rollowe uderzenia, ktore prezentuje na debiutanckim koncercie w Warszawskiej Aurorze grajac z francuskim zespolem Sonic Angels. Jesienia tego samego roku zespol gra koncert z Enemy Rose (Belgia) i Radio Dead Ones (Niemcy) Potem zas koncertujac z ogromnym powodzeniem po calej Polsce zdobywajac kolejnych fanów. Niefortunnie jednak Rangar opuszcza zespol wyprowadzajac sie z kraju. Jego miejsce zajmuje Jack the Ripper (Poker Face). Kontynuujac koncerty zespol korzysta z zaproszenia i pierwszy koncert poza granicami kraju gra w berlinskim klubie „Pirate Cove†w dzielnicy Kreuzberg . Po tym koncercie odchodzi jednak Jack the Ripper rezygnujac w ogole z grania. Po wielu miesiacach poszukiwan do zespolu dochodzi doswiadczony i wszechstronny perkusista Geronimo (Pressure Rising, Delate, Annalist). Jego ciezkie uderzenie polczone z finezja dopelnia muzycznie zespol i przyspiesza prace nad debiutanckim albumem. Powstaja nowe utwory i zespol gra kilka koncertow w Warszawie supportuja w Warszawskiej Progresji zespól Budgie oraz daja rockowy show w warszawskiej HardRock Cafe. Tak przygotowany i zgrany zespol wchodzi w czerwcu i sierpniu do studia Serakos by wraz z Robertem i Magda Srzednickimi nagrac swoj pierwszy album "Gonna burn your soul".Album wydany b--dzie na pocz--tku roku 2008 przez najwieksza niezalezna wytwornie w Polsce - Jimmy Jazz Records. Kontakt z zespolem i odpowiedzi na pytania: [email protected]
The Soulburners were founded in 2005 by singer General Burner (ex Poker Face), a huge fan of rock music (whose rock album collection numbers in the thousands), and guitar player Crazy Finger (Tony Clifton, Shifmind). The band is completed with the arrival of Rangar (Sunrise, Pressure Rising,Last Item, Afraid of That Day and others), the drummer, who brings with him experienced and talented musicians: Satanik Hellfukker (Coalition, 100 Inch Shadows and others) on the bass and Don Arturro (Wrinkled Fred, Neolitic) on the guitar. Together they compose their first rock n’roll riffs and beats, which they present during their first concert in Warsaw at the Aurora club playing with the French band Sonic Angels. After this debut, they successfully tour throughout Poland increasing their fan base with each gig. Unfortunately, Rangar decides to move to Sweden, thus the band was without a drummer. He’s eventually replaced by Jack the Ripper. The Soulburners continue to give concerts and accept an invitation to play in the Pirate Cove, a Berlin club in the Kreuzberg district. After this concert another member quits the band. Jack the Ripper decides to leave the band and stops playing music altogether. After months of searching, a new experienced and versatile drummer, Geronimo, joins the group. His heavy beats combined with his finest complete the music of the Soulburners and accelerates the work on their first album. New songs emerge and the band plays a few concerts in Warsaw, among others they play support for Budgie at the Progresja club as well as a solo gig at the Warsaw HardRock Cafe. Tapping into the energy that these live gigs gave them they go into the Serakos studio and together with Robert and Magda Srzedniccy they record their debut album, titled “ Gonna burn your soulâ€. Album will be relase on beginning of 2008 year by the biggest independent label in Poland - Jimmy Jazz Records.Contact with band and questions please write to: [email protected]