Nasty Habits profile picture

Nasty Habits

About Me

Once upon a time there were two foreigners in a foreign land sitting a pub drinking with all the other foreigners, as was the custom for foreigners on a Friday night in this particular foreign land, when one turned to the other and said : I'm bored. To which the other replied Yeah, I know. I'm bored, too. Let's do something different. said the first. Ok said the other But what shall we do? We both know how to play musical instruments, after a fashion said the first Why don't we start a band? Good idea said the second my mom can sew costumes (oops, let's just forget that part) But it must be a good band. And we must have a bass player, a girl bass player. One who can play and look good with an attitude. And the two looked 'round the pub and didn't find a single one, so they decided to look in the next pub, and the next and so on, until one night at a concert of The phantom Limbs a ghostly maniac introduced them to this crazy blonde girl who also loved to hang out in pubs, and who was into something called Psychobilly which made, as it happens, a great mix with the Punk and Goth backgrounds of the two, respectively. And, thus, out of a mutual love of strong music and strong drink, along with a mutual hatred of boredom was the group known as Nasty Habits started. Forging the divergent musical styles of punk, goth and psychobilly into one screaming, thumping, wailing, wild musical ride. Fronted by Danie D.Nasty Stewart on guitars and lead vocals with Micheal Caine on drums and backup vocals and last but definately not least Ewa Crazy Senorita Koc on bass and backup vocals, Nasty Habits serves up a heady brew of noise that will leave you pleasantly surprised and usually more than a little tipsy. Nasty Habits everyone's got one, so what's yours?
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Miedzynarodowe trio z Warszawy, UK i USA. Powstali pod koniec 2005 roku w Warszawie, gdzie wszyscy obecnie zamieszkuja. Amerykanin Danie "D.Nasty" Stewart pochodzi z San Francisco, w Polsce od kilkunastu lat. Komponuje, gra na gitarze i spiewa. Przez lata w Kaliforni gral na gitarze w kilku zespolach. Ten jest jego pierwszym projektem gdzie udziela sie takze jako glowny wokal. Jego gusta oscyluja gdzies w okolicach Clashow, Iggiego Popa, Dead Kennedys, Bauhasu. Warszawianka, znana jako DJka i animatorka warszawskiej sceny psychobilly Ewa "Crazy Senorita" Koc' zmusza ludzi do sluchania Crampsow, Demented Are Go i Batmobila. W Nasty Habits gra na basie i wciaz kombinuje jakby tu uzyskac wiecej rockandrolla w rockandrollu. Brytyjczyk Michael Caine od dziesiatego roku zycia bebnil w zespolach metalowych i gotyckich na Wyspach, teraz stara sie wniesc nieco mroku i nieco swojego porzadku do muzyki Nasty Habits. Na wystepach w Niemczech dostal nawet przezwisko "Her Dunkel". Jak widac trio nietylko miedzynarodowe ale i miedzystylowe. Muzyka trudno szufladkowalna. Mamy tu oldschoolowego punkrocka, wplywy gotyckie, troche psychobilly. Wszystko razem zazebia sie i calkiem zgrabnie komponuje. Dead Kennedys meets The Cramps, Old School Punk Rock meets Tall Boys jak ktos to kiedys powiedzial. Zasadniczo rock'n'roll! Zagrali kilkadziesiat koncertow, wlasnie nagrali drugie, lepsze demo i szukaja wydawcy.

My Interests


Member Since: 11/25/2005
Band Members:

Danie "D.Nasty" Stewart - guitars/lead vocals

Ewa "Crazy Senorita" Koc - bass/backup vocals

Michael Caine - drums/backup vocals

contact/booking tel: +48/502 168 602, gg: 6839234
email: [email protected]

Influences: The Clash, Dead Kennedys, Iggy Pop, Sex Pistols, Ramones, Bauhaus, Killing Joke and many more + Ewa is too lazy to list hers ... :-P

You have been marked on my profile map! Click to zoom-in.
Record Label: Currently looking for a suitable record deal.
Type of Label: None

My Blog

First Gig

First gig  "Nasty Habits" just played our         &nb sp; first ever gig on sat. Nov.19th at club Aurora in     &n...
Posted by Nasty Habits on Mon, 12 Dec 2005 04:21:00 PST

new mp3s and video!

i have just uploaded new versions of 3 songs (our first demo!)and the 3 minutes long video a friend (thank you Gavin) recorded with his mobile phone last saturday at our gig in aurora, warsaw "Fuck O...
Posted by Nasty Habits on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 05:39:00 PST

old skull magazine about nasty habits

Ewa's  blurp: Ghost Maniac forgot to mention rockandroll, but i forgive him and i hope the "few songs" for him means few over 10 ... Nasty Habits Ta rok...
Posted by Nasty Habits on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 07:26:00 PST

First newspaper mention

first newspaper mention Just got our first mention in the news in the London daily paper    "The Indedepent" !!! hoorray!     We were discribed as "a noisy&nb...
Posted by Nasty Habits on Mon, 12 Dec 2005 04:23:00 PST