Elvis Deluxe profile picture

Elvis Deluxe

Rockin' and rollin' that's how I wanna live, man!

About Me

Elvis Deluxe - Extraterrestrial Hideout Seeker
............................................................ ..........................................................." Lazy" dostepna w GET BY RECORDS przez majspejs www.myspace.com/getbyrecs badz mejla: [email protected] ............................................................ ......................................................... Debut CD of Elvis Deluxe is available in GET BY RECORDS distribution: [email protected] // www.myspace.com/getbyrecs ............................................................ .........................................................or on stonerrock.com // http://stonerrock.com/store/info.asp?item_num=ATH-4627 ............................................................ .........................................................

My Interests


Member Since: 11/9/2005
Band Website: [email protected]
Band Members: Mechu- Navigator of Astral Sonic Spaces;Miko- The Liquid Foundation Constructor;Bolek- Relax Commander;Ziemba- Keeper of Pulse
Influences: We're influenced by many odd forces!
Sounds Like: A dirty and wrecked truck... aspiring to become a shiny beast of a car everyone wants to have!!!
Record Label: GET BY RECORDS
Type of Label: Indie