This is not another flying saucer scare.
You better be sure to wear a protective outfit when you're on collisioncourse with Pankratz - a bastard creature spat out of the deepest slimeswamps, armed with a bunch of catchy noise hits, personified by an horriblepresence of its animated servants, all alive and in (or on if you wish so)your face.
We're cool. We're as cool as all Marx brothers playing Lech, Czech, Rus andsinging bucolics.
And we don't shave often.
Our former incarnation named Buffoon died in 2003 after suffering a seriesof twists, turning points and major injuries. The so far primary noisegenerating option of our offensive system - Dod - left us to make his life abit more complicated and get rich fast. He's still on his way to accomplishboth which is what we always bid him.
The other three didn't waste much time not to give a fuck about the domesticmusic industry - which is (always have and probably always will) a pile ofshit to say the least - and keep breeding more and more pagan, seditioushits bringing on somewhat fresh formula and a brand new name to honourcertain optical phenomenon accompanying an object transition from hyperspaceto space (a term known well to those into work of Parowski and Rodek whoteamed with Polch in early 80s to create a stunning, still underrated sfgraphic novel based on rarely brilliant script). Thus Pankratz was broughtto life.
It took us a few months to realize that the noise level we're able togenerate with at that time available means was not enough to pleaseourselves. Of two ways to solve that - adding another piece of equipment oradding another piece of line-up - we chose the latter while there happenedto be a talented noisy dude available around. Dodus - or Shy Darek, as wecalled him at first - was into chicks and strings. Getting whipped for eachfuck up commited he made strong effort to adapt quickly so we had to quitbeating him (reluctantly) and then started creating.
The process was fruitful and resulted in a couple of gigs (recent numberssay we play live every 66 days and 6 hours) and two studio sessions that ledus to an idea of releasing some debut material. It was "Oktopussy" that hitthe streets to gather quite interesting comparisons, reviews and grades.According to Wire it's close to a hybrid of Stravinsky and Bananarama butlet's not take those masons and bigots too seriously - we suggest you to buyit and see for yourself.
Back in 2004 - we had an almost one year break to focus on getting ourspirits enriched and our minds devoted to unleashed consumption ofknowledge, mass media and some fast food. Mid 2005 marked a starting pointof intense work on new stuff. Short breaks followed as Dodus kept leaving insearch for a decent cash booster and coming back to get his parts done. Inthe meantime S8N and Pitolung13 launched Depresja Festival mainly to meetthe need of local youth and bring some nice audiovisual art to the citythey've lived in for more than 2 decades. The 2nd edition run in 2006 provedthey were right to do so.
We don't give a fuck about style (never did and never will). We're neitherstyley, trendy nor even jazzy. There's strong chance someone somewherealready did something close to our stuff anyway which isn't dishearteningat all so we don't give a fuck about that either. As incredible Al Bano usedto say - "the song will tell the truth".
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