Member Since: 05/05/2007
Band Website:
Band Members:
Bartlomiej Adamczak – drums, git, voc,
Grzegorz Welizarowicz aka Jah Glory aka Greg – bass, bass VI, git, voc, samples,etc.
Maria Chmielarz - flutes
Jowan Czerkas - alto sax
Radek Rykaczewski aka DJ RaJah - vibes, graphic co-ordinator, vocals, lyrics,
Influences: Their first inspirations: noise, electronic music and alternative rock were in time broadened to include jazz, dub, lo-fi and contemporary improvised music scene. They play modern avantgarde music across genre classifications. Thus the term Off Roots – a label used by the band members to name their style. Their music juxtaposes trans guitar rock based on afrobeat and funk, ambient, acid jazz, space kraut, etc. They have been compared to i.e.: Captain Beefheart, Can, Pop Group, Henry Cow, Velvet Underground, bands of the Canadian Consetllation label, even to Frank Zappa. Their own list of inspirations includes: the Minutemen, Savage Republic, Magma, Sonic Youth, Swans, Fela Kuti and African music, Sun Ra and Don Cherry, japanese avantgarde, no wave, acid and experimental house.
Pierwsze fascynacje zespolu to noise, muzyka elektroniczna i rock alternatywny. Z czasem poszerzyli zainteresowania o jazz, dub, lo-fi i wspólczesna improwizacje. Graja wspólczesna muzyke awangardowa przekraczajaca granice gatunkowe. Stad termin Off Roots, którego uzywaja dla okreslenia tego co graja. Muzyka zespolu laczy transowe utwory gitarowe oparte na afrobeacie i funku, rock, punk, acid jazz, space kraut, itp. Porównywano ich do min.: SBB, Captaina Beefhearta, Can, Pop Group, Henry Cow, Velvet Underground, grup skupionych wokól wytwórni Constellation, nawet do Franka Zappy. Sami wymieniaja inspirace: the Minutemen, firehose, Savage Republic, Magma, Sonic Youth, Swans, Fela Kuti i muzyka afrykanska, Sun Ra i Don Cherry, japonska awangarda, no wave, acid i experimental house.
I think it sounds decent.... In 2007 I set up my own studio and this recording and mixing work was almost exclusively a work on one machine (comp) by one person (Greg). Dzidzia (the keys) was gone for three months (August- November 2007) just to play one gig with us when he returned and then in early Januray 2008 he was gone for good. In late 2007 Bart (dr) was most of all concentrating on his other project Na Bani. After the session in July 2007 I took my time to mix it. Tough job learning new software and handling the hardware, recording vocals, bass, overdubs, samples, programming, working with Radek Rykaczewski on "Bishop," late nights..., etc. For the sake of staying alive. For memory and patience. Trying not to fuck up. Trying not to overdo. This is "Wielkolud" - labor of love and determination. Peace, Greg Welizarowicz
See MORDY live at Mlynstock Festiwal 2007
Concert from 30 DEC, 2007 - courtesy of Gazeta Swietojanska,and @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@OLD VIDEO CLIPS, AND AN OLD CONCERT (31 JAN 2007).
here a pic from concert at Mechanik in Gdansk ca. 2003 with Dymiter on git. Adamczak on drums and Greg on bass
Sounds Like: picture this: on a beach a number of people jump together in unison and throw balls at each other. All of them in the air. The sound of sand flying up in the air and falling down on sister Beach. everything is still in the eyes of the Indio sitting on a dune. hear the flute? hear the wind? hear the unity?
Type of Label: Indie