composer / musician / arranger / soundengineer ... self made
’90 - ’00: studied and played in many bands.
2000: played and recorded a minialbum with the band SEARCH.
2001-2003: played with VIOLA and recorded an album "bromo".
2004: cooperated with Gianni Maroccolo (ex C.S.I) singing in his own project A.C.A.U.
2005: worked at the sound of some shortmovie made by Marco Morandi.
2006: recorded under Palustre records "Radìs", his first solo album; composed a soundtrack for a street theatre show "Meccanica"; recorded and arranged the album "Occidentale" for the solo singer VIS.
2007: soundtrack for a Commedia dell’Arte show called "La Mela Cotogna";
is composing a soundtrack for a documentary film shooted in Turkey.Actually he’s performing with a experimental-folk band to promote his own project "Radìs"... real editor best profile tools real editor best profile tools
How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay’s amazing myspace profile editor .