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666angels (czarcilok NEW CD OUT NOW!)

Misfits tribute band outta Poland

About Me

666 ANIOLOW to "tribute band" dedykowany tworczosci MISFITS - amerykanskiej legendy horror-punka.
666 ANIOLOW nie stawia sobie za glowne zadanie odgrywania utworow w wersjach jak najbilzszych oryginalom. Wiernosc starym wersjom jest wazna, jednak czasem pozwalaja sobie na pewne zmiany w aranzacji czy w brzmieniu. W ten sposob lacza chec oddania holdu genialnym tworcom z wlasna inwencja i wyobraznia.
Na poczatku roku 2008 nakladem niezaleznej wytworni Burning Chords ukazala sie plyta 666 ANIOLOW pt. „Czarcilok”. Zawiera ona utwory zespolu MISFITS z tekstami tlumaczonymi na polski.
Anioly to na codzien muzycy znanych bydgoskich kapel SCHIZMA, IN SPITE OF i THE CUFFS.
666 ANGELS (666 ANIOLOW), Polands only Misfits cover band, was founded in the scary city of Bydgoszcz during one particularly dreadful night in the Summer of 2001.
The bands first live performance took place, quite appropriately, on Halloween, 2001. Since that memorable night, the ANGELS have played close to 200 shows, spreading the unholy gospel of THE MISFITS across their unsuspecting homeland.
The band's goal is to have as much fun as possible while performing the songs of New Jerseys horrorpunk masters and to make as many people as possible join the party. They don't pay too much attention to sounding or looking exactly like the original band, and the songs they play include the classic 77/83 line-ups covers as well as the post-Danzig version's cuts.
666 ANGELS is a side project of musicians involved in such bands as SCHIZMA, IN SPITE OF and THE CUFFS.
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Member Since: 9/13/2006
Band Members: MAX HORROR (voc git)

Influences: THE MISFITS
Sounds Like: THE MISFITS
Record Label: Burning Chords
Type of Label: Indie