Burning Chords profile picture

Burning Chords


About Me

Burning Chords Records jest mlodym niezaleznym wydawnictwem plytowym. Sluchamy muzyki z kregu punk/ska/hc i taka muzyke chcemy wydawac. Wspieramy glownie mlode kapele, tworzac im warunki do udanego debiutu. Nie oznacza to jednak, ze odwracamy sie plecami od zespolow o juz uznanej marce, majacych debiut juz sa soba. Relacje z kapelami mozna okreslic jako kolezenskie (kilka piwek wspolnie sie wypilo), nie mamy zamiaru robic nikogo w balona. Nasze pierwsze wydawnictwa to Bibi Ribozo And The Banditos 'Swingujace Banany', Niters 'Nic nas nie paca'. Obydwa wydane na CD w digipackach i dostepne za jedyne 25 pln.
Burning Chords Records is an young independent music label. We listen to punk/ska/hc music and that's the music we'd like to publish. We support mainly young bands, creating them conditions for a good debut. Although it doesn't mean, that we turn our backs on already known bands, that have their debut made. You can say that we have friendly relationship with the bands (we've drunk few beers), we do not bamboozle anyone. Our first releases are Bibi Ribozo And The Banditos 'Swingujace Banany', Niters 'Nic nas nie paca'. Both published on CD in digipacks and available for only 25 pln.

My Interests


Member Since: 11/10/2006
Band Website: burningchords.pl
Type of Label: Indie