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Reggae / Ska / Punk

About Me

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Ogloszenie Komitetu Wyborczego DiM.

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Ogloszenie jest finansowane przez Komitet Wyborczy DiM, ktory ponosi pelna odpowiedzialnosc za tresc komunikatu. Informujemy, ze mamy wystarczajaca ilosc kart do glosowania.
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DiM's history !English! Dim’s roots reached early eighties, when D.Dusha and J. Mercik created legendary reagge-punk band Smierc Kliniczna (The Clinical Death). The band was active in 1982-84, when they recorded two singles and were performing on the biggest rock festivals in Poland. Unfortunately, they didn’t come up with the long play. After the band had broken up, D.Dusza was writing lyrics and playing the guitar in bands like: Absurd, The Dudis and Shakin’ Dudi (which he is still in). Mercedes became a cofounder of a reggae group R.A.P (Reggae Against Politics) which came into a classic of Polish reggae. After a years of music break, Mercedes and Dusza hoovered their instruments, tuned vocal cords and came up with acoustic long play “Pies od Luizy”. But the acoustic guitars weren’t too satisfying for the musicians who were educated on reggae and punk rock. And then, out of the blue, the new project was born. The name of it, came from the surnames of fathers-cofounders – simply DiM. Three musicians from reggae group Habakuk, were invited to co-operation: Krzysiek “Kiczu” Niedzwiecki (rhythm guitar, bac. voc.), Wojtek Cyndecki (bass guitar) and Jaromir Puszek (drums). In backing singers appeared the son of Mercedes, Mateusz “Merc jr.” Mercik. In this set, band recorded their first single, shooted video clip and performed on reggae festivals in Ostroda, Bielawa and Winter Reggae. Unfortunately, because of time limits, on the turn of 2006/2007 the band had to look for new musicians, which resulted in a new set of members (who play nowadays): Jerzy “Mercedes” Mercik (main vocal), Darek Dusza (lead guitar), Cezary “CeZ” Nowak (rhythm guitar, bac. voc.), Mateusz “Merc jr.” Mercik (bac. voc.), Darek “Budu” Budkiewicz (bass guitar) and Adam Shuraj (drums). In this set, the band had its first performance at WOSP finale in Katowice. In January 2007 DiM started working on their first long play, which is supposed to came in 2008. In foreseeable future the band is planning a music tour around Poland. See Ya There FoX! !Polski! Korzenie kapeli DiM siegaja poczatku lat osiemdziesiatych, kiedy Darek Dusza i Jerzy Mercik wspoltworzyli legendarna grupe punkowo-reggaowa Smierc Kliniczna. Zespol dzialal w latach 1982-84, nagral dwa single, wystepowal na wszystkich wielkich festiwalach rockowych w Polsce. Niestety, nie doczekal sie studyjnej plyty. Darek Dusza pisal teksty i gral na gitarze m.in. w Absurdzie, The Dudis, Shakin’ Dudi (w ktorym gra do dzis). Mercedes zosta-- wspolzalozycielem reggowej grupy R.A.P., ktora przeszla do klasyki polskiego reggae. Po latach muzycznych wakacji Mercedes i Dusza odkurzyli instrumenty, podciagneli struny glosowe i wydali akustyczna plyte „Pies od Luizy”. Jednak akustyczne granie nie do konca satysfakcjonowalo muzykow, wychowanych na reggae i punk rocku. Nowy projekt przyjal nazwe pochodzaca od nazwisk ojcow zalozycieli – czyli po prostu DiM. Do wspolpracy zostali zaproszeni muzycy reggowej grupy Habakuk:: Krzysiek "Kiczu" Niedzwiecki (gitara rytmiczna, chorki), Wojtek Cyndecki (gitara basowa), Jaromir Puszek (bebny). W chorkach pojawil sie rowniez syn Mercedesa, Mateusz „Merc jr.” Mercik. W tym skladzie, zespol nagral swoj pierwszy singiel, nakrecil klip oraz wystapil na festiwalach reggae: w Ostrodzie, Bielawie i na Winter Reggae. Od stycznia zespol wystepuje w skladzie: Jerzy „Mercedes” Mercik (wokal), Darek Dusza (gitara solowa), Cezary „CeZik” Nowak (gitara rytmiczna, chorki), Mateusz „Merc jr.” Mercik (chorki), Darek Budkiewicz (gitara basowa) i Adam Szuraj (bebny). Pierwszy koncert w tym skladzie zespol zagral na finale WOSP w Katowicach. W styczniu 2007 DiM rozpoczal prace nad swoja pierwsza plyta, ktora ma ukazac sie na poczatku 2008 roku. W najblizszym czasie zespol planuje trase koncertowa po Polsce. See Ya There FoX!

My Interests


Member Since: 3/11/2007
Band Website: dim.art.pl
Band Members: Jerzy "Mercedes" Mercik
Main Vocal
Darek Dusza Lead guitar
Cezary "CeZik" Nowak
Rythm Guitar & Backing Vocal
Mateusz "Merc Jr." Mercik
Backing Vocal
Darek "BuDu" Budkiewicz
Bass Guitar
Adam Szuraj

Influences: Slideshow From "Same Dobre Wiadomosci" Video Clip Recording In Gdansk / 27.10.2007

.. Slideshow From WOSP Show In Katowice / 1.14.2007
Sounds Like:
"Nie wracam dzis do domu" - Video Clip

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ShortCut From DiM Performance At Winter Reggae 2006 Gliwice, Poland
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Record Label: In Progress...
Type of Label: None

My Blog

New single "Same Dobre Wiadomosci" is out !

Finally! We have some music we want to share with you! It is our single called "Same Dobre Wiadomosci" and it is a forecast of upcoming long-play. Hope you'll enjoy it!...
Posted by DiM on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 11:11:00 PST

New video clip "Same Dobre Wiadomosci" is being shot !

In the latter part of October we are going do Gdansk to shoot new video clip. Carefully watch our site because in a few weeks we will surely put some hot stuff in here. Be patience!...
Posted by DiM on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 11:00:00 PST

The End oF Recording!

Ladies and gentelman. We are very proud to announce that DiM have finally finished recording their brand new album. We can say that we're half way in. All details about the album, it's title, the date...
Posted by DiM on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 01:35:00 PST