1. First name? Suellen
2. Were you named after anyone? Family mythology has it that "Susan Elenore" has been passed down for generations on the maternal side of the family, for which the nickname has always been "Suellen". I got the nickname.
3. Do you wish on stars? That would be silly! I wish on hay trucks, like any sensible person.
4. When did you last cry? Last Monday night, watching Richard Thompson play "Vincent Black Lightning 1952" at the Gothic Theater.
5. Do you like your handwriting? Not much.
6. What is your favorite flower to receive? Purple lilacs, then pink Naked Lady lillies, then yellow roses.
8. What did you watch on TV last night? Nothing, I stayed up late re-reading “Power and Patch,†instead. However, I did watch a Tivo’d episode of Anthony Bourdain, No Reservations this afternoon…he chewed Coca leaves and ate guinea pig in Peru. I love that show!
8. What is your most embarrassing CD? Why pick ONE? The fact that I own approx. 3000 of the suckers...now, THAT's embarassing.
9. If you were another person, would YOU be friends? Soitainly!
10. Do you have a journal? I HAVE a journal, but I haven't kept one for years now. (People keep giving me blank ones, anyway.)
11. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Who, MOI???.
12. What are your nicknames? Sue, 'Zella, Mouse, Snake, Sue Baby, Sweet Baboo, Suzy-Q, and That Evil She-Devil from the Lowest Circle of Hell.
13. Would you bungee jump? I'd love to! Will you pay for the chiropractor after???
14. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? When they are new and nice-looking, I do. Once they get a little grungy around the edges, I resort to my usual bad habit of pushing them off at the heel, still tied.
15. Do you think that you are strong? Push comes to shove, yeah. But that doesn't stop me from fretting that I'm strong ENOUGH.
16. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Home-made peach, served with home-made ginger snap cookies on the side. If we're talkin' store-bought, it's a three-way tie: Häagen-Dazs Coffee, Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia, and Double Rainbow Blueberry.
17. Shoe Size? 8 1/2 WIIIIIIDE, or a 9 medium, depending on the brand.
18. What is your least favorite thing about your body? That it's proof positive entropy is everywhere and unavoidable.
19. Who do you miss most? My brother Brian, my mother & all the friends and family who've passed on or otherwise fallen out of my life.
20. Do you want everyone you send this to, to send it back? It'd be nice, but I know folks have lives.
21. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? My pants are blue, and my formerly-white shoes are a lovely red clay orange.
22. What are you listening to right now? Darrell Scott’s “Alton Air†on repeat.
23. Last thing you ate? Left-over Vietnamese soft-shell crab and cabbage & toasted sesame seed salad.
24. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Periwinkle Blue.
25. What is the weather like right now? Hot and dry, but wait fifteen minutes and there should be a thunderstorm coming along…it’s the Front Range in Colorado, folks!!!
26. Last person you talked to on the phone? My brother, to see if the levee was still holding.
27. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Eyes.
28. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Soitainly!
29. Favorite Drink? When I'm good: AquaFina water, at room temperature. When I'm bad, Green Tea Frappuccino. And when I'm REALLY bad, Glenn Moranngie 12 yr Scotch with a Fat Tire Ale chaser.
30. Favorite Sport? Marathon cooking.
31. Hair Color? A sort of dish water brown with reddish highlights naturally, but I have "blonde" highlights added in to whitewash over the (ever increasing) gray.
32. Eye Color? Muddy green.
33. Do you wear contacts? Ix-nay, oh-nay. I like the sexy little dents my glasses leave on my nose.
34. Favorite Food? The Garlic Ritual, which consists of the following:
- Raw garlic clove(s) +
- small piece(s) of parmesan regianno cheese +
- small cube(s) of whole grain sour dough bread, dipped in
- hot olive oil +
- tasty cold beverage of choice.
Repeat as needed, until flies drop from the air when they fly by too closely.
35. Last Movie You Watched? Once.
36. Favorite day of the year? The morning of the first day of the San Francisco "Hardly Strictly Bluegrass" festival, when I'm still in denial and believe that it will be possible to see ALL of the music performances I want to. (There are multiple stages and the people who organize the event inevitably schedule two of my "must see" favorites in the same time slot, so this belief never lasts.)
37. Scary Movies or Happy Endings? Happy endings.
38. Summer Or Winter? Spring and Fall.
39. Hugs or Kisses? Both, thank you.
40. What Is Your Favorite Dessert? Cheesecake to Die For -- a true, baked-in-the-oven NY style lemon cheesecake that WILL KILL you but only if eaten too often.
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