here gallery is the greatest little gallery in the whole of Stokes Croft,Bristol, and possibly even in the whole of the world.
PLEASE NOTE: If you need to contact us, do so through our website. We get so much spam via myspace that we no longer read the messages, thanks.
We are unfunded and entirely run by volunteers and constantly teetering on the verge of having to shut down due to money problems or finding new fools volunteers to help keep us going.
Our first show was back in the summer of 2003 as part of Ladyfest Bristol - and featured art from Fawn Gehweiler , Caroline Hwang , Emily Ryan , Saelee Oh , Dominique Petrin and Gabby Gamboa...we had the space for two weeks and have ended up never really leaving.
Since then we've shown work by such artists as Lilith Travaglini, Jad Fair, Elin Thomas, Deth P. Sun, Ghostboy, Alika Cooper , Marci Washington , Kelly Lynn Jones , Tom Marshman, Whitney Lee , Jenny Hart , Breanne Trammell , Faythe Levine, Tom Bugs, Gunilla Jähnichen, Bjorn Lie, Amanda Kindregan, Emma Caton, Martina Fugazzotto, Evah Fan, Jeana Sohn and Susie Ghahremani amongst others (those from overseas often exhibiting in the UK for the first time).
Meanwhile, the gallery and shop have seen appearances both from legends
of the punk/independent world and from the cream of the recently-burgeoning local music scene, with the most extraordinarily intimate and intense live performances from the likes of Calvin Johnston, Cat On Form, Headfall, Jad Fair, Bucky, Frà nçois, Kid Carpet, Vase, The Battys, Help She Can't Swim, S J Esau, Lesbo Pig, Major Matt Mason USA, RLF, I Know I Have No Collar, My Two Toms and many more
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See our current & recent exhibition photo's below