Ohvrikivi profile picture



About Me

Ohvrikivi was born during the summer months of 1998 with the sole purpose of recording ideas to be incorporated into Must Missa songs. Must Missa was Bergs main musical entity at the time. In autumn 2000, Berg recorded a raw rehearsal demo to show some ideas, some were used, while most of the tape was dropped and forgotten about.
It was a quiet time for Ohvrikivi until Spring 2002 when a good friend of the band came out with idea to put together "Estnische Kriegskameraden" compilation featuring almost all Estonian black and pagan metal bands. Berg ended up giving final touch to two old songs and recording them in Vikings home studio exclusively for that release as a first two official songs from Ohvrikivi. Compilation finally came out Summer 2004 from Latvian label Beverina Productions. One of the songs was later added to another compilation titled "Unite the Underground World Wide Black Metal War", released by Noxs Runas Produktionen from Germany.
Must Missa became more active playing more gigs and recording their first full length album, as a result of this Ohvrikivi was once again dormant. Once Berg had moved to England and quit Must Missa, Ohvrikivi was revived once more. Through a chance meeting the unreleased rehearsal demo made its way to Herr Chemosh of Christcrusher Productions , who immediately suggested printing the demo onto tape through Christcrusher Productions.
In February 2006 the "Forgotten Screams" tape was released containing the original rehearsal demo, and as bonus both tracks from the compilation "Estnische Kriegskameraden" were included.
Summer 2007, the split with Bladesmith titled "The Tenebrous Journey" was released. Mahtra Records released CDr, while limited edition DVD case version with different artwork was released by Dungeons Deep Records.
More news to follow shortly . . .

My Interests


Member Since: 2/27/2006
Band Website: metal.ee/ohvrikivi
Band Members: Berg - vocals, guitars, drums
Influences: Tulus, Isengard, Darkthrone, Burzum, Khold, Satyricon, Mayhem, Celtic Frost, Loits, Tharaphita, Must Missa.
Record Label: Mahtra Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

The future . . .

Mahtra Records is more active then ever these days. One of the few releases coming up will be a tape version of the Bladesmith/Ohvrikivi split. All 6 songs will be re-mastered and both bands sound mor...
Posted by Ohvrikivi on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 03:03:00 PST

"The Tenebrous Journey" review from Nocturnal Cult Zine

http://www.nocturnalcult.com/Tenebrousjourneyreview.htmOne day out of the blue this unassuming Split CD landed in my post.  So without any preconceived notions on what to expect I put in the disk...
Posted by Ohvrikivi on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 09:49:00 PST

"The Tenebrous Journey" review from Shapeless Zine

http://www.shapelesszine.com/recealbum/bladesmithohvrikivi-s plit.htmL'etichetta estone Mahtra Records ci propone uno split tra i Bladesmith e gli Ohvrikivi, che tra l'altro aveva giĆ  visto la luce nel...
Posted by Ohvrikivi on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 01:41:00 PST

"The Tenebrous Journey" review from Metaldemons

http://metaldemons.altervista.org/recensioni/gruppi/bladesmi th_ohvrikivi.htmInteressante ed esaustivo questo split-demo patrocinato dalla Mahtra Records e che vede come protagonisti i finlandesi Blade...
Posted by Ohvrikivi on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 02:07:00 PST

Interview with Metal Revolution

"We can notice quite easily that the number of one man bands got quite high these days. Most of them are not as good as they seem. Ohvrikivi is good. Here you can read everything about Berg the only m...
Posted by Ohvrikivi on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 10:56:00 PST

"The Tenebrous Journey" review from Heathen Harvest

Bladesmith vs. Ohvrikivi Contributed by: Lord Lycan www.heathenharvest.com/article.php?story=20070826164922468 Over the past year or so I have become well acquainted with Erik of Bladesmith and the mo...
Posted by Ohvrikivi on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 10:54:00 PST

"The Tenebrous Journey" review from Metal Revolution

Mahtra Records, 2007 by Zana author awarded score: 98/100 http://www.metal-revolution.com/plugins/content/content.php? content.874 What is the best thing that two one man bands can do? We all know the ...
Posted by Ohvrikivi on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 06:27:00 PST

"The Tenebrous Jorurney" available from ...

Dungeons Deep Records (US) www.dungeonsdeep.comLokisson Records (US) http://www.myspace.com/rootofallevilrecordsMahtra Records (UK) http://www.myspace.com/mahtraNailboard Records (...
Posted by Ohvrikivi on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 01:41:00 PST

"The Tenebrous Journey" review from Arcana Noctis

www.arcana-noctis.com Bladesmith / Ohvrikivi - "The Tenebious Journey" (Finland / Estonia, Mahtra Records, Pagan Black Metal, 2007) 8 / 10 Two bands from the Baltic here that play Pagan Black Metal, t...
Posted by Ohvrikivi on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 04:04:00 PST

"The Tenebrous Journey" review from Metal Mongrel

www.metalmongrel.com/page19.htmBladesmithOhvrikiviSplitAlbum Review Bands: Bladesmith, Ohvrikivi Album: The Tenebrous Journey Released: 11/06/07 Split albums can be great fun, at the very least for the...
Posted by Ohvrikivi on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 05:36:00 PST