Ancestral profile picture


Our failure as a species.

About Me

Ancestral is an anthropological perspective of human idiosyncrasies, what we have become as a species, and also touches on our influence in fast-paced societies. When listening to the entity that is Ancestral, the listener will most likely notice not one singular genre of music, but a coalescence of many. Each album, EP or demo focuses, or will focus, on one specific topic (e.g. Avowal's main focus was about taking the time to escape from the social interaction aspects of society and just breathe deep and lose yourself in your own thoughts) and will not stray too far from the topic itself.
Ancestral is the knowledge a person attains through isolation, the unstable feelings of both happiness and depression, and the thought of not waking up in the morning, or even the thought of actually waking up to another day of this accepted slavery that is called life. Ancestral is found, yet lost; is living, yet dying; breathing, yet suffocating. Ancestral is the inability to differentiate reality from dreams. Ancestral is the humans that ignorantly look to the sky for answers, trying very hard to fly, yet knowing there are no wings, but is also the ability to use what genetic equipment we were meant to use. Ancestral is the struggle for more life, yet also the selfish desire to end it. Ancestral is everything; Ancestral is nothing.
Mistakes of 2008:
- Curse demo
- Split w/Njiqahdda and Merankorii
- Avowal EP
- Split w/Wedard
[email protected]

My Interests


Member Since: 10/6/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: B - Guitar, Vocals
H. - Guitar/bass
K. - Drums
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Buy the Ancestral / Wedard split

The split is available now if you wish to purchase. I'm selling them for $10 even, no shipping necessary for whatever country you are in. Contact me for options. Paypal is preferred, but I accept conc...
Posted by Ancestral on Sun, 06 Jul 2008 04:09:00 PST

Free download: Avowal (2008)

Album: AvowalYear: 2008Country: United StatesLyrical Themes: Knowledge through isolation.Quality: 320kbpsSize: 78.7MBTracklist:1. Isolation 1 (10:45)2. Isolation 2 (11:10)3. Isolation 3 (12:53)Length:...
Posted by Ancestral on Fri, 16 May 2008 07:26:00 PST