Member Since: 11/22/2006
Band Members: Nate Adams: All instruments and vocals
Influences: Black metal, death metal, celtic/folk music, classical music
Sounds Like: “Wormtongue definitely know how to create the right atmosphere with its blastbeat inferno...I would like to hear more of this band.â€
-Vampire Magazine
"...great atmospheric black metal with folk and classic influences...This man knows quality of his music."
-Unchained Magazine
[Wormtongue] successfully creates a symphonic black metal sound while maintaining the trve black metal vibe of low-fi recording...I suspect many black metal purists (particularly those fond of Summoning) will get a kick in the nads from Wormtongue.â€
“...VERY good, and if the band doesn’t get signed soon, I will be surprised...I can see the band making something as good as Limbonic Art or Emperor in the future.â€
-Lunar Hypnosis Webzine
“I would never have guessed it was USBM unless I had read it. Some nice early Satyricon guitar thorns spiral away and the melody here is infectiously compelling.â€
-Metal Team UK
“...the material is already strong, wandering from bursts of speed through discordant midpaced atmospheres and dynamic transitions.â€
“Wormtongue shows some rather adept work and great potential for things to come.â€
-Probably Smug
“Wormtongue skillfully balances these elements, using keyboards sparingly. They provide warm, grand interludes, like the sun peeking through the clouds. The acoustic parts, too, are pleasingly pastoral.â€
-Invisible Oranges
“…it’s no surprise to learn that WORMTONGUE hails from...Richmond, Virginia, United States? Okay, maybe we’re a little surprised.â€
-Metal Observer
Record Label: Looking
Type of Label: None