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We looked into and where informed that in 2002 with the entry of Albione Dipietrantonio, leaving behind our musical experience of the past (Hastur). Krom were: Marco Basili (guitar/voice), Andrea Basili (drums), Andrea Vacca (bass guitar), Albione di Pietrantonio (guitar). During the first few months of 2003 was released the first cd "Krom" and, the coming months, "Through the looking glass" and the "Spectrum token shift". It was a self production with a limited budget: the first two cds were recorded live ("Krom" in 6 hours, "Through the looking glass" in 3 hours). Only with "Spectrum token shift" we have a higher budget which gave us the possibility to proforme on a more professional and collaboration with Francesco Allulli (sax) and Fabio Recchia (piano). In the meantime we reastablished agreement with the band have talen the project Hastur, totally different musical proposal of Krom. After the recording of ..Spectrum token shift.., Albione (guitar) and Andrea Vacca (bass guitar) left the band for reasons not due to internal issues. For the release of ..Wind under the door..(2005), the band was Marco Basili (guitars & bass guitar), Andrea Basili (drums) and the new entry Gabriel Vittori (voice). On 2006 Krom changed the name in Kailash.