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David « Darkarts » Thiérrée’s biography : 1989 : Cover and logo for the Death metal band Somberness 1992 : Drawings for “Alliage” and “Decibel storm” fanzines 1993 : visuals and collaboration for the French fanzine “Invocation” 1993 – 2000 : Drawings and logo for the French label “Embassy Productions” and “Tragic Empire”, including flyers and adds for Gorgoroth’s first album, Vlad Tepes, etc…The logo I made Appears on both first Gorgoroth and Mactatus cds. Also worked for the layout of these products. 1994 – Collaboration with polish bands Behemoth, Graveland, polish fanzines “Flatline news”/”Dark Blaze”, Cover drawings for “Sventevith” and “Grom” cds from Behemoth. Tshirt drawings for Graveland. Loads of drawings for France’s “The way of force”, almost all of the “Morbid tunes of the Black Angels” tapes covers and booklets. Drawing made and used as a flyer for Strid (Nor) ‘s 7EP, made by Malicious records. 1995-1999 – Collaboration with Stephen O’Malley (Stickers to promote his fanzine “Descent”), And a drawing used for the US pressing of third Mortiis LP. Still in USA, Logo and cover drawing for “Bestial Offering “ fanzine, and “Burning Bethlehem” Comp. tape. Collaboration with Sorath/Black Funeral/Darkness enshroud. I also made both covers of the Spanish fanzine “Exctinsio Sensus” Creation with Scott Phelps of “Bestial Offerings”, of the “Dark Brethren” fanzine. I also made Lord wind (Pol) covers for the first and second CDs. I made both “Necromantic Gallery productions” and “Creation of Necromantical Mysteriis” Logos . This Dutch label used these logos on Gehenna (nor)’s second CD. Logo made for the Swedish band “The Ancients Rebirth”. I also made the cover of the CD compilation “Asgardreien” (Oskorei fanzine). A collaboration was on the way for drawings for the 11th “Slayer” magazine, and the second “Ornament” fanzine, but both weren’t successful. In Germany, creation in collaboration with “Embassy productions” and “Darker Than Black” labels of the “Pretenders to the Throne” compilation CD (cover, logo , booklet…). Sorrily , “Darker than Black” leader have been jailed, and the material taken by police. Artwork and articles were made for Dutch fanzine “Daemonium Aeturnus”. Creation also of the new logo of the band “Malefic Oath”, and its electro side-project “The Serpent speaks”. In Germany again, creation of a logo for the label “Solistitium”, never used for any product. Later this drawing was used as a back print for French Malleus Maleficarum Tshirts. I also made drawings and articles for New Zealand’s fanzine “Key of Alocer”. Layout and flyers for the split CD of Vlad Tepes and Belketre. Still in France, I made covers for two of “Celestia” ‘s 7EP, and the cover of “Mutiilation” CD. Once again for Drakkar productions, I elaborated the visual of a compilation CD, and the cover Art of the first Anwyl (usa) CD. I made both CD/LP covers for Finland’s “Warloghe”. Collaboration in France with “Velvet Music Int.”, for the “Castle of Solitude” comp. tape, and the 3CD compilation set “Encyclopedia Pestilentia” (covers and logos). I made the cover of the “…and The rest is silence” fanzine, and made the back drawing of tshirts from the greece’s “Zephyrous”. I also made the second logo of France’s Osculum Infame (now Arkhon Infaustus). 1999 – Today – Cover drawing made for Finland’s Horna, but still unused. A dozen of my drawings are edited and distributed by French label “Adipocere”. I also made the covers of two of france’s “Malleus Maleficarum” CDs . Recently, I made a Tshirt motive for Irish band Primordial, and actually working for frames and Graphics for Norway’s legendary fanzine SLAYER mag. To be continued…

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