Member Since: 3/23/2006
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Influences: a-sides adam f after dark alaska amon tobin aquasky aristoteles bacteria basic operations batman benga beta2 betacell bertold brecht blame blu mar ten bohren und der club of gore break breakage bse buddha burial calibre calyx carlos castaneda colours commix concord dawn corrupt souls cowboy bebop cubism cyrus darqwan dee pulse digital digital mysticz dillinja distance dj teebee djunya dj pinch dj zinc doc scott dom and roland dq1 earth ed rush einzelgänger elements escaflowne equinox fanu final fantasy fire force forensix friedrich schiller future future prophecies galxy rangers gein geiom ghost in the shell goldie gotthold ephraim lessing gridlok grooverider heinrich theodor fontane hermann hesse hochi hokusai ill.skillz immanuel kant infiltrata insects intex systems j majik jade jean jacques rousseau johann wolfgang von goethe john b karamchand gandhi ken wilber k-tee kion klute knight rider kode9 komonazmuk kryptic minds lemon d lenk leon mar leon switch lifeforms loefah lomax love ltj bukem lupinIII makai mangas matrix milkyway mohandas moon monophace moving ninja nature neon genesis evangelion noisia nucleus omni trio ono sendai optical osho panacea paradox pendulum pentagon perfect blue pfm phace photek planets platon psi dream ramadanman random trio rob sparx robert anton wilson s.p.y. samurai champloo samurai fiction seba saber rider shy fx skatta skc skream sofa surfers sokrates source direct spl spor star wars stars sun system noise tactile technical itch tears teenage mutant hero turtles the bug the others tes la rok toasty transformers trees tsuneari fujii universe unknown error viruses water wind x-plorer zen ..
Sounds Like: analysis in progress
Type of Label: Indie