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Conny 11:11

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(partly free translated) --- Louise L. Hay: "Wahre Kraft kommt von Innen" (True Power comes from Within ?) --- Dion Fortune: "Handbuch für Suchende" (Practical Occultism in Daily Life, Sane Occultism) --- Anne und Daniel Meurois-Givaudan: "Berichte von Astralreisen" (Reports from Astral Journeys ?) --- --- Götz W. Werner: "Ein Grund für die Zukunft: das Grundeinkommen" (A Reason for Future: the Basic Income) --- all books from OSHO --- Helena Petrovna Blavatsky: "Praktischer Okkultismus" (Practical Occultism) --- Luisa Francia: "Drei Wünsche" (Three Wishes) ---