New Album9 bit DREAM out now!
Hell yeah!!! I would like to advise all my consumers to check out the brand new album called "9 bit Dream" released on rec72 . The first full length release for 2008 is ready for free download . Nine fine tracks between glitch, d’n'b, IDM and experimetal electropunk.
The single Action Plan in Mind appeared in november 2007 on rec72 and has been filed under experimetal electropunk and is listed in ARTE.TV track list as trash music. You can download this single track for free from my musicplayer on the top page here on myspace.
Debut EP Lautsprecher mit Selbstschussanlage
I am pleased to announce that my debut EP "Lautsprecher mit Selbstschussanlage" has been released in july 2007 on rec72 . Five nice glitchy drum'n'bass tracks for free download. All five songs are licensed under Creative Commons (by-nc-nd).
Download the entire album at rec72