Sirannon Haziran 2005’te Thuringwethil tarafindan Izmir’de kuruldu.Kurulduktan kisa bir sure sonra calismalara baslayan Sirannon pekcok kez kadro sikintisi yasadi.
Ekim 2007’de demo kaydina giren Sirannon , 4 parcasini kaydetti.1 intro ve 4 parca olarak hazirlanan demo ‘Annon Morin’ adini aldi.Ancak parcalarda degisiklik yapilacak olmasi ve demonun E.P. formatinda yayinlanmasina karar verilmesi sebebiyle Annon Morin’in cikis tarihi ileri bir tarihe ertelendi.
Grup suanda yenilenmis kadrosu ile kayitlarla ugrasmaktadir.
Sirannon yer yer Old School , yer yer Pure ogelerin icice oldugu bir sounda sahiptir.Ve tema olarak eski cag inanislari,paganizm,eski Turk tarihi gibi konulari islemektedir.
Iletisim/Contact :
[email protected]
Logo Tasarim/Logo Design : Thuringwethil
Sirannon was found in June 2005 by Thuringwethil in Izmir. Sirannon started working on their music soon after their founding and had member distress many times.
Sirannon entered the studio for demo recording in October 2007 and recorded 4 songs. The demo which is prepared as 1 intro and 4 songs was named ‘Annon Morin’. But, as the band decided to make changes in the songs and release the demo in E.P. format, the release of ‘Annon Morin’ was delayed.At the moment the band is dealing with recordings with its new members.
Sirannon has a sound that includes both Old School and Pure elements, and has subjects such as ancient age beliefs, paganism, old Turkish history as a theme.
Children Of The Wolves
Lunar Seas
Magna Mater
Sirannon - Eternity Is Theirs