HIBERNIHILUM (just uploaded new song!) profile picture

HIBERNIHILUM (just uploaded new song!)

nihilum infinitum est

About Me

ENGLISH VERSION: Based on older inspirations and merged from different ideas "Hibernihilum" was founded as experimental solo project by Adalwolf (conception, vocals, lyrics) in February 2007. The initial ideas already revealed that they were only to be realized with a band.
Searching for suitable musicians Adalwolf met Motighet (guitar, piano) in July of 2007. First musical works were formed. In October 2007 it came to light that Motighet had emerged another vision for his musical career. Both reached an amicable settlement not to release existing materials at that time. So Adalwolf searched again...
In May 2008 Count Havoc (bass, keys, synths), Asmodon (guitar) and Moriturus (guitar) joined the project. In June 2008 Priost (drums, percussion) completed the lineup.
"Hibernihilum" developed to an ambitious band with new concrete approaches...
In the near future more information and adequate recordings will follow... we will keep you informed.
If you want to contact us, write an e-mail to:[email protected]
DEUTSCHE VERSION: Basierend auf älteren Inspirationen und aus verschiedenen Ideen zusammengesetzt, wurde "Hibernihilum" im Februar 2007 als experimentelles Solo-Projekt von Adalwolf (Konzeption, Gesang, Texte) gegründet. Schon bei den ersten Ideen zeigte sich, dass sich diese nur mit einer Band angemessen umsetzen lassen.
Auf der Suche nach geeigneten Musikern traf Adalwolf im Juli 2007 auf Motighet (Gitarre, Piano). Erste musikalische Umsetzungen folgten. Im Oktober 2007 stellte sich jedoch heraus, dass Motighet andere Vorstellungen für seine musikalische Laufbahn entwickelt hatte. Beide einigten sich freundschaftlich darauf, das bis dahin bestehende Material nicht zu veröffentlichen. Adalwolf begab sich also erneut auf die Suche...
Im Mai 2008 schlossen sich Count Havoc (Bass, Keys, Synths), Asmodon (Gitarre) und Moriturus (Gitarre) dem Projekt an. Im Juni 2008 vervollständigte Priost (Schlagzeug, Percussion) die Besetzung.
"Hibernihilum" entwickelte sich zu einer ambitionierten Band mit neuen, konkreten Ansätzen...
In naher Zukunft werden mehr Informationen und angemessene Aufnahmen folgen... wir werden euch auf dem Laufenden halten.
Wenn ihr uns kontaktieren wollt, schreibt eine E-Mail an:
[email protected]
Keep on supporting the sophisticated underground:

My Interests


Member Since: 12/21/2007
Band Website: myspace.com/hibernihilum
Band Members: ADALWOLF
vocals, lyrics, conception



bass, keys, synths

drums, percussion

Influences: (Black) Metal, Rock, Classical Music, Ambient, Experimental, literature...

Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

16.06.2008 - SONG UPLOAD: "Rheolithos"

The song "Rheolithos" - recorded during the recent rehearsal - is uploaded now. The (German) lyrics are also available. Enjoy it."Rheolithos" is part of a greater concept influenced by Greek mythology...
Posted by HIBERNIHILUM (just uploaded new song!) on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 03:13:00 PST

08.06.2008 - BAND: lineup completed! / Besetzung vervollständigt!

Priost (drums) completes the lineup of the band and our progress accelerates... be prepared!Hails,Hibernihilum--------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------...
Posted by HIBERNIHILUM (just uploaded new song!) on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 02:11:00 PST

06.06.2008 - PROCESS: development and your support / Entwicklung und eure Unterstützung

Intermediate results of our progress:The first concept is finished more or less, recordings will follow anytime soon. Be a bit patient still. We'll keep you informed, of course.By the way: Right now w...
Posted by HIBERNIHILUM (just uploaded new song!) on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 09:24:00 PST

20.05.2008 - BAND: current development / derzeitige Entwicklung

Count Havoc (bass), Asmodon (guitar) and Moriturus (guitar) now joined Adalwolf's project "Hibernihilum". Thus some changes will be made in present material and conception. This will take some time bu...
Posted by HIBERNIHILUM (just uploaded new song!) on Tue, 20 May 2008 07:52:00 PST