.’. Igne Natura Renovatur Integra .’.
Foreword -
The first thing I almost always get asked when I happen to mention I’m working on a musical project is: "What type of music is it?". I don’t consider what I do from the angle of a musical genre, be it for composing, by refraining from doing certain things because they don’t fit the style or adhering to certain "guidelines" or "formulas", or for presenting the project itself as being "this" or "that".
And so I find it kind of dismaying when, after trying to honestly describe what I do in terms of feelings (dark, gloomy, etc...) or intentions (shocking, distressing, etc...) I get asked again (because the person obviously thinks there has been a misunderstanding): "no, I mean what musical style is it?".
When I encounter an Artistic expression, be it a painting, a song, or any other from of Art the first thing that comes to mind certainly isn’t what it’s called, or what style or category it falls under. I might get a very strong emotionnal impression from it, try to figure out what it means to me, or what the Artist wanted to express with his or her creation, and so on. What do I care if it’s post-renaissance contemporary surrealist cubism, or black drone doomish semi-melodic metal? Does it evoke anything for me or not? When I meet someone, do I ask them wether they’re jewish, socialists, Jehova witnesses, metal-heads, or will I listen to what they have to say? I am much more interested in Essence rather than form. That’s pretty much all that matters as far as I’m concerned
What I do is Phlegeton, and that’s really the only way I can put any label on it.
Please take note: - the tracks presented here are my current recording project. They are unmixed, preliminary sessions (previews, if you will). The songs are liable to be different in structure, and will (hopefully) have a much better sound quality, when properly recorded and mixed (at ASM studios). They will be on my upcoming demo album, along with 2 other yet-to-be-recorded tracks, which should be out around may or early june.
WARNING ! - Severe alienation from society may occur from repeated exposure to these concepts.
The River Phlegeton ("lake of fire") was one of the five rivers of the underworld. It flowed with fire that burned but did not consume fuel. It was parallel to the Styx. It is said that the goddess Styx was in love with Phlegeton, but she was
consumed by his flames and sent him to Hades. Eventually when Zeus accepted her river to flow through, they reunited.Also, it is a river traveled upon by the Incarnation of War, named Mym, in the Piers Antony novel Wielding a Red Sword. When Mym is lured into Hell, he decides to incite rebellion against the forces of Satan and uses four of the five major waterways of Hell, among which are the River Lethe, the Archeron, the River Kyoktys (Cocytus), and the River Styx.
They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Even more so, we believe hideousness and loathing to be. An artistic project is the artist’s reflection of society and the effect it had on him...Never before in history have we seen such grotesque forms of Arts and horribly twisted manifestations of broken psyches.
Phlegeton came to life when I began an ongoing process of letting out all the horror, loathing, traumatism and psychic nausea that modern society inflicted on me, especially war in all it’s forms,the latest technological "advances" and genetic "breakthroughs" of modern "science". We cannot even be Men and we try to be Gods.
This musical opus explores the end of Time. As the influence of Saturn comes to it’s end, the Old Man inflicts upon the world and it’s people the last spasms of his cruel and inflexible tyranny. Chaos and war sweeps across the world, as a final climax before the Fall, as the ever-hungry tyrant devours his children.
Amidst the conflict that ensues stirs the Phoenix. Sensing that the time of Renewal is at hand, the great bird rises and engulfs the world in it’s purifying flames. All the impurities and imperfections of this stone called Earth are thus cleansed, bringing it to another stage of it’s Great Work.
Thus as the great red bird soars triomphantly the world simmers in ashes and brimstones, regaining it’s strength with the life of the sacrificed victims. A new age will come, after the twilight...
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© Copyright Phlegeton, all rights reserved. Eternal persecution will befall anyone profaning our Work.