Teaching girls to pole dance (www.polestars.net) and TRYING TO write comedy(well,they go together don't they?more than you know!), just for fun AT THE MOMENT, been on the back-burner with all this pole carry-on!who knows? Will dig into the shoeboxes full of scribbled-on paper soon.he he. Done some background/walk-on work for TV/Film. Been trying to write comedy. UPDATE: Lost my stand up virginity in June07 at the Nivea Funny Women Awards - Edinburgh heat. I think I jobbied myself. OH, and lifting men's kilts.
I think I have met who I needed to meet already :) !!NO 'HAPPY ADDERS' PLEASE! I'M GETTING F*CKING SICK OF IT. I AM NOT HERE TO SEE HOW MANY PEOPLE I CAN GET ON MY FRIENDS!!! HOWEVER, I DO ENJOY MEETING NEW PEOPLE, SO, INTRODUCE YOURSELF GODDAMMIT. AAAAARRRGGGHHHH!!!! If you have not read this, I prob won't add you. And won't just be my friend cause I hang from a pole. And won't just send me pishy bulletins and don't really give a shit whether I'm their friend or not. And the dude who invented poledancing. Actually was it not cavemen? Aye, av seen the volvic advert.
THIS WEEK: DEVO!! Whip it! I love it :) Check the vid on youtube it's awsome!!Everything and anything from Metallica to Madonna. from Faith No More to Faith Hill. From S.O.A.D to Stevie Wonder. It really is that varied. Songs which make me cry, give me good energy or make every hair on my body stand on end!! My I-pod is a verritable cornucopia of treats!! except from That Daz from Eurovision. Where to Begin? Rock,metal,punk,ska,r'n'b,reggae,hip-hop,pop,chart,cheese,da nce,disco,80's. And Madonna - you name it! I will listen to it. Cannae stand boring/non-descript RnB choons that sound like they were only written to keep the track numbers up on the album (groans)
JACKASS!! Comedy, Horror, Thriller, Japanese, Brazillian and French.........Anything that doesn't have people doing rude things with animals!!! HEE HEE
Again - comedy!!!Little Britain. Bring back Game On (no not Jack and Victor, that's Still Game, but I love them too)Oh, and obviously stuff I'm in. But prefer to read or watch dvds.STOPPED WATCHIN TV. SEEMS TO BE GETTIN CRAP. oh, the Sky at night. PATRICK MOORE IS NOT DEAD?!
Terry Pratchet, James Herbert, biographies, horny women's dirty books (Jackie Collins and the like).
Apart from my friends, not many people are really impressing me that much at the moment - apart from the guy who can breathe through his ears or the reliever of PMT?? Please get in touch x