Bridge watchin, my pet drake, chicks.
I'm ready for a SERIOUS relationship this time. I don't want it to be a casual fling, unless you're cool with that. Seriously, tho, any chick for me needs to like trying new foods and like pets. An interest in Bridge Security is a plus.
I got me onna them eye-pod thingies once, but Willie ate it.
I dont like movies much. The monster never wins. The only reason movie people keep on making the big lizard monster die from the common cold or have a weakness to cheese or somethin stupid like that is because humans don't want to admit that if Godzilla did show up theyd all be dead meat.
UPDATE: Some film maker student guy is gonna interview me for a short film! Now THATS a movie to see!
I never watch it. I mean, that animal channels got all them shows about puppies and kittens, and that food channel has all the shows about how to cook well. When are we finally gonna have the channel that put em together?!But here is a show I would watch by my friends at
I read one once. Didnt make any sense. See dick run? See jane run? Ok but what are they running from? Does it catch them? How does it cook them? The story never went ANYWHERE.
Lessee, theres so many. Sarumon and Sauron (tie), the creature from black lagoon, , Loki, godzilla, kong... the list goes on.