I am interested in creating music, writing, hanging out with my completely insane friends, eating good food and by good, I mean naked, and by food, I mean women.
I relish in a good dirty joke and can dish some out myself. I am interested in people that are interesting.
I like to work on my car, especially when it's not something that I HAVE to do, if you catch my drift.
I like to read. I'm currently reading Beowulf. Great fuckin story, that.
I like getting people out of a jam, because I'm really good at that for some reason.
I like toast... with everything. Cereal, steaks, toast. Toast goes good with EVERYTHING. Ya heard me?
I like taking road trips with people that don't fall a-fuckin-sleep. I mean if you're going to be driving with me for 6-10 hours, then at least make it fun. Sleep is not allowed unless you're at home in YOUR bed.
I like sleeping. I like sleeping alot. I could sleep for hours and sometimes I do.
i like going to the club and making new busiess contacts, I put this because it seems like everytime I go to a place for drinking and having fun, I make some sorta friend that can help me in my quest to rule the world.
I like taking cruises... I've only been on one, but rest assure your monkey ass this; I'll be taking more.
I like making a dollar out of fifteen cents, I like graphic design, as long as I'm not FORCED to do it. I was forced to do it for 13 years, that period is over.
I'm interested in McDonalds dollar menu. Where else can you get a full hamburger meal foe 3 bux? Wendy's, that's where.. I'm interested in Wendy's dollar menu too.. Fuck it! I'm interested in ANY place thathas a dollar menu. Cause them shit's rock.
i'm interested in using improper english around people because I like to see when they are going to either laugh at my twisted humor or at least correct me. For GOD'S sake people, grow a set, will ya?
I'm interested in nurturing my son's new found love of violins. He wants to learn, so I'm getting him one.
I'm interested in any movie that's made from a comic book. I know they aren't all good, but shit, I've been waiting for a long time to see them do something like this.
I'm interested in collecting DVDs. I own hundreds already. You know what? this shit is pointless, I could ramble on for days about the shit I'm interested.
If you know me, then you know me.
I'd like to meet all the people that I have in my friends list, for food liquor and bullshitting any time you want to.
Holla atcha boy.
I won't list groups here, because that shit is stupid. I'll instead list genres. cause that's MUCH easier and you can look up your own fun musicians.
I like: Hip-Hop, Acid Jazz, Down tempo, Drum & Bass, Garage, Soul, Funk, Latin, Fusion, New Age, Classic Jazz, R&B, Rock, Punk, Heavy Metal, House, Folk, Rap, Experimental, New Wave, Old Wave, Grundge, Easy Listening, Gospel, Pop, Classical, Symphony, Bounce, Country, Western, Emo, Electronica, Vocal, Zydeco, 2-step, Second-Line, And so on and so on and so on....